Greg Touhill

AI automation, AppSec, software, AI

How to be a successful information security officer in 2024

Because technology changes, cybersecurity threats change, which means cybersecurity practitioners must keep moving to stay on top of their game.

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Network

Simplicity is a secret to success in DevSecOps

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Retired Air Force Brigadier General Greg Touhill, director, CERT Division at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University

A former federal cybersecurity chief is now helping from an academic standpoint

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jacob Ammentorp Lundtelework

Telework capacity wasn’t ‘good investment’ before coronavirus, now agencies see unprecedented stress tests

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Compliance vs. honesty: How agencies should approach the cyber EO

The Office of Management and Budget issued implementation guidance for the cybersecurity executive order, giving agencies four deadlines over the next…

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How NIST can help close the cyber gap between CIOs and auditors

In the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act, Congress told NIST to take a deep dive into how agencies understand and use the special publications…

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As administration drafts new cyber order, experts call for more action, fewer policies

Cyber experts say the nation’s challenges are well known and another set of reviews, as proposed by the Trump administration, is delaying the real work to fix vulnerabilities and mitigate risks.

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