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  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" National President J. David Cox and Legislative and Political Director Beth Moten analyze Election Day results and the impact on federal employees. AFGE Legislative Representative Marilyn Park then addresses the importance of Veterans Day, while Federal Emergency Management Agency Local 4060 President Robert Autrey discusses FEMA's response in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.

    November 07, 2012
  • Libya's preparing to stand up an Army. U.S. officials in Libya have begun to look for recruits whom they plan to train to form Libya's new army, according to a former commander of Libyan rebels who toppled Muammar Gaddafi. Reuters is reporting a team of about 10 Americans from the embassy in Tripoli visited a paramilitary base in the eastern city of Benghazi 10 days ago to interview and get to know potential recruits,. A wave of anti-American violence in the Arab world in September during which the U.S. ambassador to Libya died in a militant attack, President Barack Obama took measures to improve the security of U.S. diplomatic installations in the region.

    November 07, 2012
  • On this special Election 2012 edition of the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show and links to additional resources.

    November 07, 2012
  • Featured guests: Judy Ruth, Founder/Principal Redstones LLC Barbara Newhouse, President & CEO Arthritis Foundation Mid-Atlantic Robert Massie, Owner/President Bright Stare Care Tim Shaffer, President CEO Safe Awake LLC

    November 07, 2012
  • Featured guests: Armando Ygbuhay (pronounced Egbuhai), President & CEO HCI Integrated Solutions Andrew Grose, President & CEO Nortec Communications Howard Freidman, Chairman Leonid Systems Craig Bandes, President and CEO Pixelligent

    November 07, 2012
  • Best of Tech Talk replaying segments from previous shows.

    November 07, 2012
  • Wikihood mobile app, installing new antivirus, Send to Kindle mobile app, auction sites for developers, Profiles in IT (David Ross Cheriton, billionaire Stanford professor angel investor), Internet has evolved into gated communities (Facebook vs Amazon vs Google vs Apple), HTML5 vs Native Apps (Apps will dominate in the near term, HTML5 will ultimately win because it is platform agnostic and open source), International Telecommunications Union tries to control Internet (Internet Society fought for independence from UN, Internet safe for now), and gifts for geeks.

    November 07, 2012
  • Best of Tech Talk replaying segments from previous shows.

    November 07, 2012
  • Best of Tech Talk replaying segments from previous shows.

    November 07, 2012
  • The U.S. Postal Service will not be offering any new buyouts in the near future, according to Anthony Vegliante, the agency's chief human resources officer. USPS offered three different buyouts in 2012. In an exclusive interview with Federal News Radio, Vegliante said the Postal Service will drop to around 500,000 employees by the end of January due to multiple consolidation efforts at the agency.

    November 07, 2012
  • Buying a laptop, best free anti-virus, WEP vs WPA2 wireless encryption, using VMware for multiple OS configurations, Profiles in IT (Ben Silbermann, co-founder and CEO of Pinterest), Skype security flaw fixed (allowed anyone to highjack Skype acccount knowing only an email adddress, used extensively in Asia), and war over Internet control (ITU wants to control Internet policy, would give UN members more authority, pushing for a sender pays model, must be stopped).

    November 07, 2012