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  • "Drive-by" malware infected more than ten million computers in February, according to a statistical analysis by Barracuda Labs. "Drive-by" malware describes files that people download from a site without knowing where it came from or what it really does.

    April 03, 2012
  • The cybersecurity response center at the IRS is mostly working, according to a new report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. However, in the report, Treasury Inspector General J. Russell George said that the Computer Security Incident Response Center isn't reporting every computer security incident as it's supposed to.

    April 03, 2012
  • In an era of shrinking budgets and increasing demands for high-quality services, productivity improvement is critical to performance outcomes. How can public-sector organizations meet fiscal requirements while sustaining effective performance levels? Hear the latest trends in employee engagement strategies used to improve performance and increase workforce productivity to enable mission success.

    April 03, 2012
  • Lockheed Martin and Austal are currently building 55 Littoral Combat Ships for the Navy. Kevin Brancato, a defense analyst for BGov and author of the report, "'Real Competition' for The Littoral Combat Ship," discusses how the Navy's competition between the two contractors may serve as a model for future acquisitions.

    April 03, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management recently reminded federal agencies that the White House has \"zero tolerance\" for discriminating against veterans in hiring and promotions. But the federal government is still one of the biggest offenders. Patrick Boulay from the Office of Special Counsel told the Federal Drive about a new pilot program aimed at streamlining the complaint process for veterans in the federal government.

    April 03, 2012
  • The new acting administrator of the General Services Administration has written to agency employees telling them not to allow the mistakes of a few affect the achievement of their goals. Tangherlini, who formerly served as the chief financial officer of the Treasury Department, said GSA will "redouble" its efforts to the core values of delivering efficient and effective services. GSA chief Martha Johnson resigned Monday and two of her top deputies were fired following the release of an inspector general's report detailing excessive spending at an October 2010 regional training conference.

    April 03, 2012
  • President Obama said the fiscal 2013 passed by the Republican-controlled House will cut into crucial federal services.

    April 03, 2012
  • Are you ready to explore how agencies are improving electronic delivery of citizen services through collaboration? Plan now to attend AFFIRM’s November 14th luncheon briefing at DC’s Hamilton Crown Hotel to hear about agency initiatives…

    April 03, 2012
  • Twenty senators — all Democrats — have signed on in support of the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act, which would extend health-care benefits to same-sex, domestic partners of federal employees.

    April 03, 2012
  • The Naval Sea Systems Command—the division of the Navy responsible for the building, purchase and maintenance of ships—has won an award for its year-long program for new hires, which offers seminars, etiquette training and even tours of submarines. Emily Grauwiler, the manager of the program, told Federal News Radio that onboarding is about more than just getting a manual and a desk.

    April 03, 2012
  • A report Monday from the Inspector General of the General Services Administration charged the agency with wasteful spending at a 2010 training conference in Las Vegas. As a result, GSA Administrator Martha Johnson stepped down and fired two of her deputies — Robert Peck, the commissioner of the Public Buildings Service, and Stephen Leeds, Johnson\'s senior counselor. But was this the right decision? Take the poll!

    April 03, 2012
  • Argentina\'s president has asked the International Red Cross to persuade Britain to let its DNA experts identify unknown soldiers buried in the Falkland Islands. Thirty years after Argentina and Britain went to war over the remote South Atlantic archipelago, Cristina Fernandez says universal human rights demand that both countries work together to give those remains back to their families. Her remarks came in a speech on the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War.

    April 03, 2012
  • Thrift Savings Plan figures continued to climb in the early months of 2012, as nearly all funds posted positive numbers for the month of March and for the year. Only the F Fund dipped into the negative at the end of the month.

    April 03, 2012
  • Martha Johnson modeled the "ultimate in accountability" when she stepped down Monday as head of the General Services Administration in light of an Inspector General report that outlined wasteful spending at a 2010 training conference in Las Vegas. Also, two other GSA officials were fired Monday.

    April 03, 2012