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  • has undergone a makeover. The redesigned website, a repository of the regulations issued by the federal government that allows members of the public to view and comment on them, provides a \"new look and feel,\" said Duncan Brown, the Environmental Protection Agency\'s branch chief for the eRulemaking Program.

    March 01, 2012
  • Belinda Finn, the assistant inspector general for audits and evaluations at VA, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss a recent IG report that found the Veterans Affairs Department\'s claims-processing system prone to fraud.

    March 01, 2012
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services plans to partner with the nationwide Text4Baby text messaging service to try and make sure newborns are enrolled in health care coverage. The service already provides prenatal health information to expectant mothers, tied to their due dates. CMS now plans to use the program to alert those same moms about the availability of health coverage under Medicaid and the Childrens\' Health Insurance Program. Those messages will go out to about 184,000 users.

    March 01, 2012
  • A milestone for mobile technology in the federal government. The General Services Admiinstration says its mobile apps site now hosts 100 different citizen-facing applications from across the government. That\'s compared to two years ago, when held a catalog of just 15 apps. The 100th addition is a smoking cessation app from the National Cancer Institute. It helps smokers track cravings, moods, progress toward milestones and smoking triggers.

    March 01, 2012
  • Thomas Mesenbourg, the deputy director of the Census Bureau, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss how the agency\'s restructuring effort is progressing.

    March 01, 2012
  • Michael Kane is responsible for strategically aligning the agency\'s workforce to its missions through effective management of human capital policies and programs.

    March 01, 2012
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs has terminated a $102 million contract for a key component of the e-health record system that is supposed to help streamline the health care that VA and the Defense Department provides to service members, veterans and their families. The agency says it is determining its next steps.

    March 01, 2012
  • Agencies will have to take new steps to ensure electronics, such as computers and copiers, are reused or recycled and do not end up in landfills, according to a governmentwide bulletin the General Services Administration issued Thursday.

    March 01, 2012
  • Eight Republican lawmakers on Thursday introduced an alternative to a comprehensive cybersecurity bill the Senate expects to vote on soon. GOP senators say their approach avoids additional bureaucracy and encourages information sharing.

    March 01, 2012
  • Program Manager Information Sharing Environment President Obama appointed Kshemendra Paul as the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE) in July 2010. The Program Manager plans, oversees the build-out, and manages use of the…

    March 01, 2012
  • Sharon Burke, the assistant secretary of defense for operational energy plans and programs, says saving energy takes risks out of the battlefield.

    March 01, 2012
  • A long-fought negotiation between the American Federation of Government Employees and the Social Security Administration seems to be over as the two sides agree to terms of new national contract.

    March 01, 2012
  • The Pentagon has shelved a laser-equipped jumbo jet after 15 years and more than $5 billion worth of research to develop an airborne missile defense system. The Airborne Laser Test Bed fell victim to budget cuts. Boeing 747 --with a high energy chemical laser attached has been sent into storage at Davis Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Ariz., serves as a boneyard for military aircraft. It\'s well known and the graveyard for military aircraft.

    March 01, 2012
  • The Obama administration has released a set of proposals it hopes will improve the oversight of grant programs. Danny Werfel, controller at the Office of Management and Budget, told Federal News Radio why the changes are necessary.

    March 01, 2012