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  • Host Mike Causey is joined by Jessica Klement of the Federal Managers Association, and Federal Times reporters Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly. December 14, 2011

    December 14, 2011
  • Dean Hunter, the deputy director of facilities, security and contracting at OPM, said the new emergency dismissal policy has earned plaudits from state and local emergency officials. The new policy, which was spurred by last winter\'s unexpected snowstorm includes a range of new dismissal options.

    December 14, 2011
  • This week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" National President John Gage and National Secretary-Treasurer J. David Cox detail the union\'s agenda for 2012. Gage also addresses the budget fight in Washington while Cox discusses the need to properly care for the country\'s veterans. AFGE Local 3258 member Mark Butler also highlights his book, \"The Coffee Break Guide for Veterans Seeking Federal Employment.\"

    December 14, 2011
  • David Powner, the director of information technology management issues at the Government Accountability, told In Depth with Francis Rose the accuracy of data on the IT Dashboard, first launched in 2009, is improving.

    December 14, 2011
  • Glenn San Giacomo, a senior vice president and business unit general manager at SAIC, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the ins and outs of successful supply chain management. SAIC was recently awarded a supply chain contract by the DLA to provide land and aircraft tires.

    December 14, 2011
  • The bureau has said, because the investigation into the company\'s possible wrongdoings is ongoing it will not publish information on company. The company, which provides mobile-analytics software, faces a lawsuit alleging it violated federal wiretap laws because its services are intrusive and infringe on users privacy.

    December 14, 2011
  • Attackers uploaded malware-laden copies of popular apps, such as Angry Birds. While Google removed the apps from its online store, more than 14,000 users downloaded them.

    December 14, 2011
  • The agency releases a RFI and will hold an industry day in January for the situational awareness and incident response tier III contract. DHS expects to create a qualified products list for the rest of the government to use.

    December 14, 2011
  • Jessica Klement, director of government affairs at the Federal Managers Association, updates Your Turn with Mike Causey on the latest legislative proposals that impact federal employees\' pay and benefits.

    December 14, 2011
  • The Federal News Radio Community Spotlight for January is the Capital Area Food Bank! The Capital Area Food Bank opened its doors on January 15, 1980, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday. The CAFB is…

    December 14, 2011
  • Agencies must report data center consolidation savings this week to OMB in preparation for 2013 budget request. The administration keeps the IT passback guidance short with a focus only on a few priorities over the next year.

    December 14, 2011
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko said it was the first time he had heard many of the accusations that fellow commissioners threw at him during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Jaczko\'s leadership. The four commissioners, evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, said they had no political motive in bringing his \"erratic\" and \"extreme\" behavior to light.

    December 14, 2011
  • John Wonderlich of the Sunlight Foundation talks about his organization\'s review of the Open Government Directive. How well have agencies complied with mandate?

    December 14, 2011
  • The service has been trying to bring workforce numbers down to 2010 levels. Since the spring, the Air Force cut nearly 9,000 positions with 4,500 more to go to reach their goal.

    December 14, 2011