
  • A Pentagon spokesman says the military\'s network will continue to air Rush Limbaugh\'s radio program. According to the Associate Press, George Little says the American Forces Network offers a wide range of programming to reflect listeners\' interests and he is unaware of any plans to review that decision. Limbaugh has come under fire for an outburst on his radio program last week when he called a 30-year-old law student a \"slut\" after she testified before Congress about birth control policies. He has since apologized.

    March 06, 2012
  • The Pentagon recently announced it would open up 14,000 combat positions to female troops. While women in uniform say the decision will lend \"legitimacy\" to the frontline roles they already fill, they say job discrimination pales in comparison to the difficulty of raising a family while serving.

    March 06, 2012
  • A new bill to reform wartime contracting, which incorporates many of the recommendations made by a panel that studied the issue for four years, has garnered a mixed response. Charles Tiefer, a professor of government contracting law at the University of Baltimore Law School who served on the contracting panel, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the bill.

    March 05, 2012
  • The alcohol screening program is part of a sweeping realignment of personnel and readiness programs in the Department of the Navy.

    March 05, 2012
  • A new study is leading to calls to shake up the Senior Executive Service by encouraging members to change jobs once in a while. That was the original intent, but only half of its members have done it. Now, with a third of senior execs eligible to retire, federal human resources leaders say agencies need to focus on improving the corps.

    March 05, 2012
  • Two senators are trying to change the way agencies plan for wartime contracting by introducing a bill that would incorporate ideas from the Commission on Wartime Contracting. Commission member Dov Zakheim weighs in on the bill.

    March 05, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is submitting a plan to create a Defense Health Agency to take over TRICARE.

    March 05, 2012
  • Army modernization leaders say they\'ve gotten a bad rap on acquisition, and they claim it\'s undeserved. They point to several wartime success stories, and say they\'re implementing suggested reforms.

    March 05, 2012
  • Disagreement persists over whether provisions in a new contracting bill will enhance oversight of overseas contracting during conflicts or create another bureaucratic layer that penalizes contractors.

    March 02, 2012
  • managing director Evan Lesser will talk about how the government job market is changing. March 2, 2012(Encore presentation March 16, 2012)

    March 02, 2012
  • The U.S is likely to take some cues from China when it releases its military spending budget for 2012 this weekend. The unveiling will also explain in part why the U.S. decided to change focus for the future. The swift buildup for the Chinese military is of great concern for U.S. intelligence, but also China\'s plans to go into space and eventually launch manned moon missions. There\'s concern they could deny others opportunities in space.

    March 02, 2012
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency shut down Internet access and BlackBerry service for Pentagon employees Thursday morning.

    March 02, 2012
  • The Army is pouring lava on its mine-resistant trucks in Afghanistan to help protect trucks\' windshields.

    March 02, 2012
  • Rear Adm. Michael Franken has been assigned as the new director of the Energy and Environmental Readiness Division in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. He replaces Rear Adm. Philip Cullom.

    March 02, 2012