
  • Give 1,716 PlayStations to a bunch of engineers and what do you get? At the Air Force Lab in Rome, New York, you get a supercomputer. The Sony PlayStation 3 has a unique processor that…

    January 13, 2011
  • GAO\'s Jack Edwards gives highlights of the report on defense

    January 13, 2011
  • The Associated Press reports that DoD has not given full disclosure to its cyber warfare.

    January 13, 2011
  • IT consolidation and efficiency efforts within the Air Force are part of the service\'s contribution to Defense Secretary Robert Gates\' efficiency initiative, Air Force Secretary Mike Donley said Wednesday. He expects to shave more than $1 billion from the service\'s IT expenses.

    January 12, 2011
  • Defense News reports that the Army is ordering Boeing to cancel two programs that tested poorly.

    January 12, 2011
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates said last week that he wants to increase health insurance premiums for working-age military retirees by a \"modest\" amount to take pressure off of DoD\'s ballooning health care budget. Groups that represent retirees say Gates\' past proposals for TRICARE hikes have been anything but modest.

    January 12, 2011
  • For many years, the Pentagon budget has been off-limits, but some Congressional decision-makers are saying things like \"everything should be on the table.\"

    January 11, 2011
  • Federal Times reports on the raise employees in the National Security Personnel System will be getting this month.

    January 11, 2011
  • Beginning in February, all Defense Department components will be required to use new online tools to generate cost estimates for \"any new proposal or initiative, large or small.\" Secretary Robert Gates in a memo urged DoD employees to start using the online tools now.

    January 10, 2011
  • The Consumer Financial Protection Agency will include an office dedicated to helping members of the armed forces. It will be led by Holly Petraeus, wife of the commander of forces in Afghanistan.

    January 10, 2011
  • Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) introduces legislation to cut the federal workforce by 10 percent and freeze federal pay for an additional year. The bill includes a host of suggestions to cut spending from both the commission and from the Obama and Bush administrations. Brady said collecting unpaid taxes from federal employees could result in $3 billion.

    January 10, 2011
  • While each of the military services will have access to money freed up by Defense Secretary Robert\'s Gates efficiency initiative, they will not be able to use it all on new capabilities as he originally intended.

    January 10, 2011
  • Army\'s Space and Missile Defense Command puts big money on the table.

    January 10, 2011
  • Another potential flare-up has surfaced in Middle East. Palestinian and Israeli officials say Israeli troops mistakenly shot and killed a 65-year-old Palestinian man in his bed during a pre-dawn raid Friday in order to arrest a Hamas militant. Palestinian security and rescue officials in the West Bank city of Hebron said Israeli troops shot and killed the man who lived in the same building but on a different floor as the Hamas militant targeted in the early morning raid.

    January 09, 2011