Cloud Computing

  • Federal News Radio\'s Jason Miller offers his top stories of 2011 and predictions for 2012.

    December 22, 2011
  • Under the cloud security requirements, vendors who want to be third party assessment organizations and cloud service providers must prove they have walled-off the two parts of their company. GSA released details Dec. 8 and held an industry day Dec. 16 for vendors who want to be third-party assessers. GSA expects to release the FedRAMP security controls early in 2012.

    December 20, 2011
  • \"Crawl before you can walk. Walk before you can run.\" That\'s how Federal CIO Steve VanRoekel framed his 2012 priorities in his first speech to government IT contractors in Washington. He said agencies would have to do \"more with less,\" but he wanted to emphasize the \"more.\"

    December 16, 2011
  • Dan Saaty of Decision Lens joins host John Gilroy to discuss how prioritization software can help your agency. December 13, 2011(Encore presentation December 27, 2011)

    December 13, 2011
  • The DoD Cyber Command poked and prodded the Army Corps\' Los Angeles district\'s network during a recent Command Cyber Readiness Inspection. Army Corps of Engineers CIO Bob Kazimer said the analysis will give the rest of the agency lessons learned to improve cybersecurity across the Corps. December 15, 2011

    December 13, 2011
  • House and Senate negotiators who hammered out an agreement for the 2012 defense authorization bill added language that puts the brakes on the Army\'s transition to an enterprise email effort. The language adds several requirements the Army and DoD must meet before moving forward with the project.

    December 13, 2011
  • Jennifer Kerber, the vice president of homeland security at TechAmerica, an industry group representing technology contractors, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the finalized FedRAMP and what it means for industry.

    December 08, 2011
  • Hardish Nandra, a partner at CSC, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss how exactly to calculate cloud computing costs.

    December 08, 2011
  • The high-profile issues of mobility and cloud computing are interconnected and reflect a shifting landscape not only at federal agencies but on a much wider scale, said EmeSec founder and CEO Maria Horton in an interview on Industry Chatter with Francis Rose.

    December 08, 2011
  • OMB sets a six-month deadline for initial capabilities to be ready. Along with the cloud security standards and process, the administration highlighted other accomplishments on the one-year anniversary of the 25-point IT Reform plan. The White House said a new draft shared services strategy will focus on commodity IT services.

    December 08, 2011
  • Phil Cirrulli, the chief information officer for the managing and operations contractor for the site, is improving the national lab\'s infrastructure to support widespread wireless access. He also is shutting down legacy mainframe systems after implementing a new ERP system. December 1, 2011

    December 01, 2011
  • The agency has released an RFI asking for infrastructure and platform-as-a-service options.

    December 01, 2011
  • How exactly does an agency store a tweet? And how do agencies know when the latest 140-character mini-message rises to the level of a permanently valuable historical record? A new Presidential memo tasks the National Archives and Records Administration with answer these social-media stumpers.

    November 30, 2011
  • Office of Management and Budget Director Jacob Lew has approved the cloud security memo and guidance, known as FedRAMP, pushing it to the brink of public release, Federal News Radio has learned. Multiple sources confirmed Lew approved the documents before Thanksgiving and OMB could issue the memo and guidance as early as next week.

    November 29, 2011