Cloud Computing

  • Adrian Gardner has been the chief information officer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for 10 months. Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller spoke with Gardner recently about his priorities for the agency. Gardner says one of his goals is to understand the needs of the scientific community. If you look at computing here at Goddard [...]

    November 15, 2010
  • You have a lot of options to consider when you\'re considering cloud computing. Sorting through the possibilities to find the right fit for your agency becomes tougher.

    November 11, 2010
  • Cloud computing and security – you never hear one talked about without the other. In a new report, Allan Friedman, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, explores how to think about privacy and security in the cloud. He argues the real weak link in security is the human factor. For this reason, Friedman tells Federal [...]

    November 09, 2010
  • It seems like everywhere Federal News Radio goes, people are talking about the cloud. Experts at TechAmerica’s 2010 IdentEvent questioned whether moving all agencies to the cloud is possible in the short term. This on the heels of GSA issuing its draft requirements for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). Those sitting on [...]

    November 09, 2010
  • Think you can help the federal government speed up its certification and accreditation of cloud computing products and services? If the answer is yes, the General Services Administration wants to hear from you. GSA recently released requirements for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), an interagency initiative that will provide the government-wide certification [...]

    November 09, 2010
  • Allan Friedman, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, describes how to maintain security and privacy in the cloud computing age.

    November 09, 2010
  • Several cyber experts are not sold on how security around cloud computing will work. Some of the doubts come as GSA issues draft requirements for FedRAMP. Others say agencies likely will move to a private cloud first before trusting data to a public provider.

    November 08, 2010
  • Federal News Radio was on hand for the latest NIST Cloud Computing Forum and Workshop where the agency announced it has created a cloud computing test bed named Koala. Dawn Leaf, NIST’s senior executive for Cloud Computing, told those in attendance the objective of the test bed is to “assess and characterize resource allocation algorithms [...]

    November 07, 2010
  • Agencies are laying the foundation for the use of cloud computing in the government. Officials are marking their progress in smaller steps instead of big strides.

    November 05, 2010
  • It\'s been more than nine months since the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative began with the intent to reduce energy usage, lower IT costs and improve security. And some federal agencies are discovering that it\'s difficult to reduce spending without putting some money upfront first. NASA is just one of the federal agencies trying to [...]

    November 03, 2010
  • The White House wants common security requirements for agencies in the cloud. So GSA is rolling out FedRAMP. They say it will provide security authorizations and continuous monitoring of cloud systems.

    November 03, 2010
  • A really cool interview for you this week about a cloud computing contest the Federal Communications Commission is running. Federal News Radio’s Amy Morris and Tom Temin spoke with Pam Gregory, Director of the FCC’s Accessibility and Innovation Initiative. Gregory told Federal News Radio the FCC recognizes that “cloud is the future” and leveraging its [...]

    November 02, 2010
  • Google is suing the U.S. government for what it claims is unfairly requiring the Web-based document system it uses to be part of Microsoft.

    November 02, 2010
  • Anyone attending the recent ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference in Williamsburg, Va., can tell you there was some great information on the future of cloud computing in government being announced and discussed at the event. This includes the news that the General Services Administration has issued a notice on for e-mail-as-a-service under the software-as-a-service platform. An industry [...]

    November 01, 2010