
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss how the budget deal will affect next year's government funding,and how budget cuts are affecting U.S. defense industrial capabilities. December 19, 2013

    December 19, 2013
  • AFGE's public policy director Jacqueline Simon explains why her organization is opposed to the self plus one plan, and Sean Reilly and Andy Medici from the Federal Times will discuss what's ahead for feds and retirees in 2014. December 18, 2013 (Encore presentations December 25, 2013 and January 1, 2014)

    December 18, 2013
  • By a vote of 78 to 16, the Senate confirmed Jeh Johnson as the fourth secretary of Homeland Security.

    December 16, 2013
  • From super soldiers to stay-at-home feds, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) identified 100 programs that have generated almost $30 billion in wasteful spending by the federal government in 2013.

    December 16, 2013
  • Three vendors lodged protests over one of the General Services Administration’s latest solicitations under the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI). GSA confirmed that United Laboratories and GMS filed a joint protest to the agency over…

    December 16, 2013
  • Personality-wise are you usually happy or sad? Would friends and family describe you as an upper or a downer? The way you view the bipartisan budget deal may tell a lot about whether you are a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty person, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    December 16, 2013
  • The bipartisan budget deal announced this week goes a long way toward clearing up the widespread budget uncertainty that has plagued federal agencies for the last two years. But it doesn't actually set individual agency funding for next year. That's the job of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, the leaders of whom now must write an official spending bill that spell out exactly how much each agency gets to spend next year and on what. Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), the chairman of the House committee, said Thursday he would begin work on an omnibus spending bill to fund agencies next year.

    December 13, 2013
  • Unsuccessful bidders of one unrestricted portion of the EAGLE II contract are taking their arguments to GAO to try to get a spot on the multiple-award contract. Documents show DHS made no awards to any company whose total bid was more than $500 million.

    December 13, 2013
  • Tucked away inside the bipartisan budget deal announced with much fanfare this week is a proposal limiting the maximum level contractors can charge the government to pay the salaries of their top executives to nearly half of what it is currently. But it may not be the final word on the issue on the sticky issue of contractor compensation. the budget deal's proposed changes to taxpayer-funded contractor salaries are competing with another piece of bipartisan legislation currently before Congress. The annual Defense Authorization Act seeks to lower the compensation limit but by far less than the budget deal.

    December 13, 2013
  • Congress went after federal workers and retirees with a meat ax. But instead the new budget agreement is more of a kick in the shins for feds who have yet to be hired, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    December 12, 2013
  • The Veterans Affairs Department's decision comes as lawmakers are putting this acquisition concept under more scrutiny. House Veterans Affairs and Small Business Committee lawmakers question whether agencies are getting the best prices and whether they are sacrificing competition. GAO, other experts say OFPP needs to develop a governmentwide policy for reverse auctions.

    December 11, 2013
  • Lawmakers in districts with large constituencies of federal employees are signaling their support for the bipartisan budget deal announced Tuesday even though it would require new federal workers to contribute a greater share of their paychecks to their retirement benefits. The alternatives -- another government shutdown or a second year of the steep across-the-board sequestration cuts -- would have been worse, they argue.

    December 11, 2013
  • As the use of reverse auctions continues to rise, the Government Accountability Office says agencies need more clear cut guidance to realize a maximum amount of savings.

    December 11, 2013
  • If the proposed budget deal becomes law, new federal workers will see a total of 10.6 percent of their salaries automatically withheld from their paychecks to cover their retirement benefits. That could lead to them contributing less or not at all to their voluntary Thrift Savings Plan accounts, experts said.

    December 11, 2013