Defense Industry

  • Cybersecurity contractors seem to pop up as often as zero-day attacks. But the established ones are finding , with good market positioning and solid services, they can attract fresh investment. Case in point: With cash from Squadron Capital, a company called Facilities Technology Services has transformed into Squadron Defense Group. Keith Marino is its CEO. Federal Drive host Tom Temin spoke with him during this week's Association of the U.S. Army conference.

    October 15, 2015
  • The Defense Department wants to make sure the electronic parts it uses aren’t tainted. In a new proposed rule expansion, DoD would require contractors to have a risk-based system to trace electronic parts from their original equipment manufacturer and subcontractors. The goal is to crack down on counterfeit electronic parts. Chris Myers is a partner and assistant chair of the Government Contracts Group at Dentons. He joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more on the proposal.

    September 30, 2015
  • Defense Department Chief Information Officer Terry Halvorsen made some waves earlier this year when he said he’d like to see commercial companies construct and operate data centers on DoD property. The military would provide physical and cyber security, while the firms would bring the cost and scalability benefits of cloud technology. Now, the Army is ready to try out a version of that idea. Federal News Radio's DoD reporter Jared Serbu writes about this in the latest edition of Inside the DoD Reporter's Notebook.

    September 29, 2015
  • In this week's "Inside the DoD Reporter's Notebook," the Army hopes the project will help answer some of its lingering questions the potential savings of transitioning to commercial cloud offerings.

    September 28, 2015
  • The Defense Department has greenlighted three dozen commercial cloud offerings since it first overhauled its commercial cloud security processes in January.

    September 28, 2015
  • The Army hopes the project will help answer some of its lingering questions about the potential savings of transitioning to commercial cloud offerings.

    September 28, 2015
  • The Pentagon has already signaled its intent to move its massive enterprise email service to a privately-operated, commercially-based cloud environment. This week, DoD officially kicked off the planning process for a procurement that will affect more than one and a half million users. Federal News Radio's Jared Serbu joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.

    September 18, 2015
  • The Pentagon wants to develop electronic components that bend. And it's partnered with Silicon Valley to do it. Defense Secretary Ash Carter recently pledged $75 million in funding for a new research institute, whose goal is to develop flexible hybrid electronics. The San Jose-based Flex Tech Alliance will run that institute. Malcolm Thompson is the Alliance's new executive director designate, overseeing the Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute. He told the Federal Drive with Tom Temin more about the Alliance and the technology it's developing.

    September 11, 2015
  • The Pentagon plans to replace most of its aging Humvee fleet with a new generation, dubbed the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. JLTV is designed to provide more protection against roadside bombs and mines than Humvees. DoD recently awarded a $6.7 billion contract to the Wisconsin-based Oshkosh Corporation. James Tinsley is the Managing Director at Avascent, which advised Oshkosh. He tells the Federal Drive with Tom Temin more on how the Army's contracting methodology might apply to other DoD platforms.

    September 10, 2015
  • Frank Kendall, DoD’s undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics, clarifies new rules about public funding as the Pentagon begins investing in Silicon Valley.

    September 02, 2015
  • The Defense Department is working on new training and guidance to help its contracting officers decide whether potential contracts are worth the price. The Government Accountability Office sampled 32 commercial contracts. DOD contracting officials asked for cost, pricing and other information to help them determine if contracts were reasonably priced for 12 of them. Bill Woods is director of acquisition and sourcing management issues at GAO. He said it's too early to say whether the Pentagon's training and guidance is working, but he tells In Depth with Francis Rose that contracting officers DO have some challenges.

    August 24, 2015
  • The Army plans on requesting proposals for the third iterations of its ITES and ADMC contracts by next January. New proposals will likely tackle target areas such as mobility, cloud integration and cybersecurity, but CHESS wants to make sure small businesses are in the running for contracts.

    August 20, 2015
  • Next week in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, hundreds of the military’s smartest minds will come together for the biggest annual gathering in the world of military medicine. In past years, the Military Health System Research Symposium has led to the expansion of revolutionary new practices in combat care – many of which have made their way into the civilian sector. Col.Todd Rasmussen directs the Army’s Combat Casualty Care Research Program, and Rear Adm. Bruce Doll directs research and development at the Defense Health Agency. They talked with Federal News Radio’s Jared Serbu about what they expect from next week’s conference.

    August 14, 2015
  • The Defense Department’s program to let employees use smartphones on the secret network is becoming rather popular. After moving from the pilot to its full production stage in June, the Defense Mobile Classified Capability–Secret is in demand not just in the military, but across the government. Federal News Radio’s executive editor Jason Miller joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive with details on why DoD’s program is so popular.

    August 13, 2015