Defense News

  • DCAA has added 500 employees over the last two years but is conducting fewer, though higher quality, audits each year. Director Patrick Fitzgerald explains the thinking behind a new framework.

    February 09, 2011
  • Medal of Honor recipient and Iowa native Staff Sgt. Sal Giunta will end his Army career in June and move to Colorado to pursue his education, a military spokesman said Tuesday.

    February 09, 2011
  • The Air Force initially issued guidance that anyone accessing WikiLeaks is violating the Espionage Act. The department has since backed off from that statement.

    February 08, 2011
  • The old refueling tankers the Air Force still uses aren’t just outdated but also waste millions of gallons of fuel – and millions of defense dollars. General Duncan McNabb, in charge of the U.S. Transportation…

    February 08, 2011
  • Invited attendees will join the country\'s premiere cyber experts from U.S. Cyber Command, the National Security Agency, Defense Information Systems Agency and Department of Homeland Security plus top cyber intelligence officials, defense and commercial industry leaders from Constellation Energy, Federal Reserve, HP, Johns Hopkins Healthcare System, Lockheed Martin, ManTech, SAIC, TASC, TeleCommunication Systems for an interactive discussion with Maryland educators from K-12, colleges and universities and workforce development organizations.

    February 08, 2011
  • The Air Force Materiel Command has issued new guidance that says the leaked documents are protected by the Espionage Act.

    February 07, 2011
  • The Army has announced that it will start moving individual e-mail accounts to a cloud-based enterprise e-mail service by the middle of this month.

    February 07, 2011
  • A directive signed this week by the secretary of the Army requires high-level review and analysis of any proposal to insource contracting functions. Outside groups have accused DoD of insourcing workers based on arbitrary quotas.

    February 04, 2011
  • Virtual reality applications are being designed and implemented across various points in the military deployment cycle to prevent, identify and treat combat-related PTSD. We learn more from research pioneer Dr. Albert \"Skip\" Rizzo.

    February 03, 2011
  • Air Force leaders announced involuntary force management programs Feb. 2 to reduce personnel as a supplement to the voluntary programs announced in December.

    February 03, 2011
  • For the first time in almost 50 years, the U.S. Army wants to replace the standard rifle shouldered by hundreds of thousands of frontline troops around the world.

    February 02, 2011
  • Navy isseus contracts to examine the science, architecture, engineering, functionality, interface and interoperability of cyberspace operations systems, services and capabilities at the tactical, operational and strategic levels.

    February 01, 2011
  • A new program will target high school students in the government\'s search for the next generation of cyber warriors. Lawmakers hope the U.S. Cyber Challenge will help attract and train much needed experts in cybersecurity.

    February 01, 2011
  • Seven senators have requested an independent investigation by the Defense Department\'s inspector general into the accidental disclosure of technical data to rival bidders Boeing and EADS in the Air Force\'s refueling tanker competition.

    January 31, 2011