National & World Headlines

  • Coalition for Government Procurement chairman Bill Gormley joins host Roger Waldron to talk about the coalition's recently completed spring conference. May 1, 2012

    May 01, 2012
  • Cyber warriors from the Air Force Academy's first dedicated cyber team swept through the country securing networks and taking names in April.

    May 01, 2012
  • Iran has issued a statement condemning the Koran burning incident in Afghanistan. The Islamic Republic of Iran's Foreign Ministry says it strongly condemned this "absurd, insulting and provocative". The statement appears to be aimed at the global religious community and it suggests that they should be upset with the U.S. military and it's imploring Christian scholars around the globe to speak out and increase the pressure on the U.S. military.

    May 01, 2012
  • Russia is resisting new sanctions over Iran's nuclear program. It warning the European Union that the ban on purchasing Iranian oil will end up hurting the bloc itself. In the meantime, no one has claimed responsibility for the cyber-attack on Iran's oil facilities. A virus hit the internet and communications systems of the oil ministry and national oil company forcing Iran to disconnect the control systems of Kharg Island, which handles the vast majority of Iran's crude exports.

    May 01, 2012
  • Another Green on Blue incident in Afghanistan. A man wearing an Afghan army uniform fatally shot an American service member in southern Afghanistan yesterday. This is the latest in a string of attacks against American and other foreign forces by their Afghan partners or insurgents in disguise. Since the beginning of the year, there have been at least 16 attacks against American and other foreign troops by Afghan security forces or militants dressed as Afghan troops.

    May 01, 2012
  • The Pentagon Force Protection Agency is now ten years old and four times bigger than the security agency that guarded the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. PFPA is trying to guard that workforce growth amidst budget reductions.

    May 01, 2012
  • Melvin Russell, acting director of Defense Media Activity and visionary of the American Forces Radio and Television Service, has retired after 51 years of military and civilian service.

    May 01, 2012
  • A new project lets SSA disability case processing sites take in DoD electronic medical records originating in multiple locations. That capability went nationwide this week. The centers simply log onto a single DoD website.

    May 01, 2012
  • President Barack Obama's choices for two top Defense Department jobs have had their hearing before the Senate. Dr. Kathleen Hicks is the nominee for principal deputy under secretary of defense for Policy. Derek Chollet is the nominee for assistant secretary of defense for International Security Affairs.

    April 30, 2012
  • The Air Force is centralizing service functions in San Antonio, Texas.

    April 30, 2012
  • A year and a half after embarking on a strategy designed to get more bang for DoD's acquisition bucks, the Pentagon is still struggling to instill the idea that programs should be managed to what they should cost, rather than what they cost today.

    April 30, 2012
  • Paulette Robinson, the iCollege's associate dean for teaching, learning and technology, said the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds has grown from five members from four federal agencies in 2007 to 3,000 members this year.

    April 27, 2012
  • The deadline to apply is Monday for airmen eligible for the Temporary Early Retirement Authority.

    April 27, 2012
  • House military personnel subcommittee asserts retirees have already paid for their health care via their military service, omits DoD proposal to hike TRICARE fees.

    April 27, 2012