Pay & Benefits

  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Thursday that the Pentagon will reduce costs by raising health care premiums of working-age military retirees.

    January 07, 2011
  • With a 2-year pay freeze in place and politicians looking at your job and retirement benefits are you suddenly nervous in the civil service? Given the economic outlook are you ready to pull the plug or hang in there until better times. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is hearing it both ways.

    January 07, 2011
  • U.S. Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) Arnold Scott AFGE 6th District National Vice President Bill Wetmore AFGE National Veterans Affairs Council 3rd Executive Vice President William \"B.J.\" Ocker AFGE National VA Council 1st District Representative

    January 07, 2011
  • Mint Director Ed Moy has resigned. He joins us for a look back on his tenure and forward to his hopes for the future.

    January 06, 2011
  • Believe it or not, the federal Thrift Savings Plan has more than 100 investors with 7-figure accounts. So, is there a 401k-plan millionaire in the next cubicle...or maybe in your car pool? Mike Causey has the numbers.

    January 06, 2011
  • Incoming House Speaker John Boehner says his party\'s goal is to give the government back to the people. But first, reminds the managing editor of The Hill, they\'ll need to figure out a way to fund it in 23 working days or less to avoid a shutdown.

    January 05, 2011
  • If you work for Uncle Sam chances are you know somebody, in fact lots of people, who are investing in the best 401k plan in America. So who is the lucky person? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says look in the mirror, then listen to his Your Turn radio show at 10 a.m. today.

    January 05, 2011
  • A new program covering the dependents of TRICARE beneficiaries up to age 26 will not be ready for a formal roll-out for several more months, but one of the program\'s top officials said they intend to make the new coverage retroactive to Jan. 1.

    January 04, 2011
  • The Thrift Savings Plan, the federal government\'s 401k plan, is heralded by many experts as the best out there. Your Turn host Mike Causey discusses what\'s ahead for the TSP in 2011 with Tom Trabucco, director of external affairs for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which runs the TSP. January 5, 2011

    January 04, 2011
  • Gov Exec\'s Tom Shoop explains the challenges of agencies trying to determine fair pay for employees.

    January 04, 2011
  • The New York Times reports that budget problems have states turning to curb the influence of unions, especially ones representing government workers.

    January 04, 2011
  • Nearly 10,000 participants received payments, some as much $10,000

    January 04, 2011
  • In 2009 federal and postal workers, and retirees, had their best year, ever, with Congress and the White House, but 2011 is shaping up to be Titanic collides with Lindsay Lohan time for federal workers. Senior correspondent Mike Causey says to buckle up

    January 04, 2011
  • Your most commonly asked questions about the federal pay freeze are answered.

    January 04, 2011