Pay & Benefits

  • U.S. Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) Ben Jealous President & CEO, NAACP Scott Paul Executive Director, Alliance for American Manufacturing

    September 23, 2010
  • The 21-page document calls for freezing government spending and replacing the president\'s heath care legislation with a scaled-back version.

    September 23, 2010
  • The January cost of living adjustment retirees were counting on to help pay higher health premiums is not going to happen. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that for the second year in a row the retirees will get nothing even as federal workers get a token 1.4 percent pay raise.

    September 23, 2010
  • Both employee unions and agencies say certain phrases in President Obama\'s executive order creating these committees need to be better defined. VA deputy secretary Gould will lead an effort to bring some precision to terms such as pre-decisional, to make sure everyone is working from the same sheet of paper. National Council on Federal-Labor Management Relations also details first set of bargaining pilots, called B-1.

    September 22, 2010
  • Remember a few years back when a congressional roadblock threatened to shutdown the government and furlough you without pay? Well, the same thing is happening this year except it is no problem and nobody is talking about shutdowns. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says timing is everything.

    September 22, 2010
  • From pay freeze proposals to furloughs, there are a lot of issues before Congress that could affect feds. This week on Your Turn, Mike interviews Charity Wilson from the American Federation of Government Employees and Jessica Klement from the Federal Managers Association, about what a lame duck Congress can do to federal workers and retirees. September 22, 2010

    September 21, 2010
  • A deadline is nearing for federal labor managers. November first is when they are supposed to be up and running with Labor-Management Council Forums. Carol Bonasaro gives us an update

    September 21, 2010
  • What makes one federal agency better than another in terms of worker contentment? One of Washington\'s good government groups did some additional digging in the wake of the federal \"Best Places to Work\" survey and found that better communication using social networking tools helped at least two agencies move up the list.

    September 21, 2010
  • If you count on your flexible spending account to pay for uncovered medical bills and co-payments, you are going to need to tighten your belt. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says big changes are coming in the FSA program next year.

    September 21, 2010
  • A proposed rule change by the Labor Department would give preference to contractors that hire disabled workers. All comments on the proposed change must be submitted by Tuesday.

    September 20, 2010
  • Tom Trabucco, Director of External Affairs for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board, joined Chris Dorobek on the Dorobek Insider.

    September 20, 2010
  • Everybody knows the government is full of waste, duplication and has too many employees. Where we often disagree is just where that\'s at. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey thinks he\'s found the solution. Or not.

    September 20, 2010
  • John Berry, the director of the Office of Personnel Management, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the uptick in the number of vets being hired into the federal ranks and how the overall hiring reform process is going.

    September 17, 2010
  • By Jolie Lee Federal News Radio Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) introduced a bill this week that would require two weeks of furlough in 2011 for federal civilian employees. The furloughs would save taxpayers $5.5 billion,…

    September 17, 2010