Pay & Benefits

  • Word is spreading about who is, and isn\'t, covered under the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program now that President Obama has signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Ed Zurdorfer, a registered employee benefit consultant, explains how it works.

    September 17, 2010
  • OPM will announce health plan premiums for feds and retirees next week and guess what: a lot of them are going up. Add to that changes some of the health plans will make in co-payments and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you have some tough choices to make during the November-December Open Season.

    September 17, 2010
  • Former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (D-Tenn.) Author of \"More Davids Than Goliaths: A Political Education\" John Wilson Executive Director, National Education Association Former Rep. Bob Edgar (D-Pa.) President & CEO, Common Cause

    September 16, 2010
  • The Army is trying to get the word out that it needs good people to help manage money. The lagging economy, stubborn unemployment and improved pay and benefits are helping to attract the next generation of acquisition professionals into the fold.

    September 16, 2010
  • When they wake up on November 4th lots of people who work on Capitol Hill will learn that they no longer work on Capitol Hill. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that, for many, the next stop for them may be your federal agency.

    September 16, 2010
  • The head of the government\'s top personnel office thinks the future looks bright for fixing the hiring process, which has been called broken, in the federal sector.

    September 15, 2010
  • We\'ve all heard and read about greedy, ungrateful, overpaid and underworked federal employees. But just where are they? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says he\'s tapped the mother lode.

    September 15, 2010
  • This week on Your Turn, Mike Causey interviews Margaret Baptiste, the outgoing president of NARFE. They discuss what happened during her tenure and what didn\'t happen. September 15, 2010

    September 14, 2010
  • Beginning in January, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of new people will be joining the federal employee health benefits program. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains how it will work and what it could mean for the nation\'s biggest health care program.

    September 14, 2010
  • FEW and USDA build a partnership based on recruitment, training, retention, advancement and involvement of women in USDA\'s workforce and programs, as well as other areas of mutual interest.

    September 13, 2010
  • Okay, so August wasn\'t the best month for the Thrift Savings Plan. But is that any reason to panic? No, says guest analyst Arthur Stein, who joins us for our look back at the TSP for last month. But he says instead of panic, do some thoughtful reflection on where your money is going in the TSP, and whether it\'s a good idea to perhaps switch into a new TSP investment tool which is expected to be available to feds next year - the Roth TSP.

    September 13, 2010
  • Where were you on 9/11/01? Federal workers have some amazing first person stories from the Pentagon to the World Trade Centers. Check out what they told Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    September 13, 2010
  • Learn more from the Washington Post\'s recent study

    September 10, 2010
  • You may be OVER investing in your TSP. Arthur Stein gives us details on how to tell.

    September 10, 2010