Pay & Benefits

  • The TSP\'s Employee Thrift Advisory Council has proposed allowing surviving spouses of TSP participants to inherit accounts.

    March 30, 2009
  • When it comes to active duty military personnel, one congressman says if we can\'t pay them more, let\'s tax them less.

    March 30, 2009
  • What Congress is doing to keep feds off the roads and on the cyberhighways.

    March 30, 2009
  • You may be down, but you\'re not out of options

    March 27, 2009
  • A cool afternoon in the hotseat for the next man tapped to run the Office of Personnel Management.

    March 27, 2009
  • The U.S. Postal Service is on the ropes, fiscally, and today, the Postmaster General came to Congress looking for a hand, not a handout. FederalNewsRadio’s Max Cacas joins us more.

    March 25, 2009
  • By Amy Morris Executive Editor, FederalNewsRadio Turns out, amid the troubling economic news, a glimmer of sunshine for members of the federal Thrift Savings Plan, the retirement plan for federal employees. Q: What’s the good…

    March 24, 2009
  • There’s a renewed focus in Washington on federal employee benefits. A slew of proposals aim to change how unused sick leave is credited toward retirement and provide paid leave for birth or adoption. There’s also…

    March 24, 2009
  • Do you bike to your federal job? The League of American Bicyclists wants to make the answer a resounding “yes!” And they’re taking the push to Capitol Hill. The league’s president, Andy Clark, joins us.

    March 23, 2009
  • Mondays can be tough, even if it is spring, but in today\'s Monday Mail Call column Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some stuff about you that should be uplifting.

    March 23, 2009
  • By Amy Morris Executive Editor FederalNewsRadio Working for the government is apparently more appealing than ever. Word today that more undergrads and MBA graduates are turning to the federal government for jobs. Q: Why the…

    March 20, 2009
  • By Amy Morris Executive Editor, FederalNewsRadio The system which controls how 200,000 Defense Department employees are hired, compensated, promoted and rewarded is now under review. The National Security Personnel System (NSPS) has come under fire…

    March 19, 2009
  • Federal employees are one step closer to automatic enrollment in the Thrift Savings plan. House lawmakers have approved a provision that would automatically enroll new civilian federal workers. Originally, the plan would have included members…

    March 19, 2009
  • Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) is calling for equal pay raises between federal workers and military members. The Virginia Congressman hand-delivered letters to President Obama and House Budget Chairman John Spratt recently. He explains why this…

    March 16, 2009