Pay & Benefits

  • By Amy Morris Executive Editor, FederalNewsRadio Federal employees who invest in the Thrift Savings Plan, the 401K for federal workers, might have something new to look forward to in the future. Leaders at the TSP…

    March 13, 2009
  • Hey, did you hear the report that Uncle Sam is going to get rid of every federal worker who is 65 or older? Well, it\'s not true of course, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'s one of the beauties making the rumor-rounds.

    March 13, 2009
  • The annual tax tables for calculating the Relocation Income Tax Allowance (RITA) is now available on the General Services Administration\'s Web site.

    March 11, 2009
  • If you travel, either for Uncle Sam or for yourself, your assets are on the line every time you use a credit card. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some simple ways to protect yourself.

    March 10, 2009
  • Getting more employees to telework while maintaining secure networks is no easy feat for the Department of Veterans Affairs, but VA has taken steps to improve its methods. Lindsey Ross, Manager of Client Services at…

    March 09, 2009
  • In what city is pork the favorite fruit of the ruling classes? If you guessed Washington DC you are a winner. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey takes a look at how this odd taste preference going to affect the president\'s plan to overhaul government contracting.

    March 06, 2009
  • Carol Waller Pope FLRA Acting Chairwoman Mark Roth AFGE General Counsel Jim Aldridge President of AFGE\'s Law Enforcement Council Don Drewett Vice president of AFGE Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Local 3860

    March 05, 2009
  • Past 8 years \'frustrating\' for new panel chair

    March 05, 2009
  • Is there something about Washington DC that turns transplanted Minnesota lumberjacks and flinty Chicagolanders into snow weenies? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey deals with the question of snow angels vs. snow weenies.

    March 05, 2009
  • Fed employee union scatters over Capitol to lobby

    March 04, 2009
  • Two things happen when you retire from the government. Your income drops and you lose an important tax break that you might not even know you have. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has the story and a possible solution.

    March 04, 2009
  • From pay parity to weather woes, what are federal workers and managers talking about right now? We find out from FederalNewsRadio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey, who starts with a preview of who his guests will…

    March 03, 2009
  • Washington can handle almost any problem thrown at it, except snow. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains why we do what we do and why people who immigrate to DC from colder climes are sometimes part of the problem.

    March 03, 2009
  • The federal government is looking at incentives that will attract and retain older, more experienced workers.

    February 27, 2009