Pay & Benefits

  • Many civil servants are in for a big shock when their first Social Security check arrives. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey points out that often there isn\'t much, if anything left once Social Security\'s Evil Twins do their thing.

    August 26, 2008
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey the media is sending more reporters to Denver than there are federal workers in Minnesota.

    August 26, 2008
  • When you look at how big the federal family is, and where they are located, it becomes a potentially powerful voter bloc. Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today.

    August 25, 2008
  • Remember the old KISS rule - as in keep-it-simple-stupid! Many readers tell Senior Correspondent Mike Causey the Thrift Savings Plan is that it\'s simple, and they want to keep it that way.

    August 22, 2008
  • Have you ever wondered how your TSP stacks up against other 401(k) plans? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey does a show and tell comparing the highly-regarded Vanguard program with your TSP.

    August 21, 2008
  • How would you like a nine day holiday that would cost you only 24 hours of annual leave? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the necessary stars are about to go into perfect alignment.

    August 20, 2008
  • There is a movie premiering this week that might make you uncomfortable either as a federal worker, or a retiree, or simply a taxpayer. Whether you want it to or not, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it may have an influence on your life.

    August 19, 2008
  • Even though it\'s August, it is not to early to start thinking about Christmas, especially because it falls on a Thursday this year. In today\'s column, Mike Causey weighs the odds of your getting a 4-day bonus holiday weekend at Christmas time.

    August 18, 2008
  • Bad news, good news and bad news again on the inflation front. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has details.

    August 15, 2008
  • This is the time of year when the beautiful people are away at the beach or the mountains. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says \"thanks for the parking space!\"

    August 14, 2008
  • Everybody deserves a windfall, correct? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is another kind of windfall that hits long-time federal workers and what it does to their Social Security benefit isn\'t funny.

    August 13, 2008
  • Okay so you are grown up. Now what? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asked a ThirtySomething Financial Planner for some tips and she came up with some good ones!

    August 12, 2008
  • You\'re a federal worker and you will be able to keep your federal health insurance when you retire. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks: do you need Medicare too?

    August 11, 2008
  • There are 10 very smart or very dumb things you can do when planning for retirement. Yesterday Senior Correspondent Mike Causey gave you the first five tips. Today\'s column has the other five.

    August 08, 2008