
  • Learn more in today\'s Cybersecurity Update

    June 07, 2011
  • DC power outage leaves teleworkers flying the COOP.

    June 06, 2011
  • DHS wants you to be the next cyber super star. Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update

    June 03, 2011
  • Agencies might not be taking the cloud first policy to heart. Nathan Coutinho is an Enterprise, Server, Storage and Virtualization Solutions Manager at CDW

    June 03, 2011
  • There\'s a new cloud provider to meet government wide cyber security standards. Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update

    June 03, 2011
  • Learn how to better manage your agency\'s records management. Advice from Daniel Rainey, chief of staff at the National Mediation Board.

    June 03, 2011
  • OPM revises the 2210 job family to include this new title as part of the White House\'s IT reform plan.

    June 03, 2011
  • The National Archives and Records Administration has picked its first Wikipedian in Residence. The new position is designed to serve as a liaison between the archives and the volunteer editors of the free, online encyclopedia. Archives officials say their new Wikipedian, Dominic McDevitt-Parks, will help them collaborate with users and editors of the site to make the government\'s permanent record holdings available through Wikipedia, rather than just through the Archives\' own site.

    June 03, 2011
  • The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs will take one of their first major steps toward a single, joint electronic health record next month. The system\'s prototype graphical user interface will go online at a few selected clinics in Chicago. VA officials say they designed the interface by putting six clinicians in a room with a blank slate, and asking them what an ideal system would look like. The chief information officers of the two departments are meeting twice a week to plan the new system, which will take four to six years to fully develop.

    June 03, 2011
  • The USDA\'s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service it taking data that used to be available only through Freedom of Information Act requests, and moving it to an advanced, free online searchable database. The Animal Care Information System holds all of the agency\'s records on the people and companies it licenses to breed animals for commercial sale, research or public exhibition. USDA says the tool allows users to make highly detailed, customized queries and export the results to a standard spreadsheet.

    June 03, 2011
  • The Library of Congress is using the Internet to provide free, online access to thousands of the nation\'s oldest sound recordings. The National Jukebox went online this month. It hosts more than 10,000 historical music and spoken word recordings made between 1901 and 1925. Users can select and stream the recordings at For the time being, the recordings are from the catalogs of Columbia and Victor, the two oldest record companies in the world.

    June 03, 2011
  • The Army says long, repeated overseas deployments often get in the way of continuing education for soldiers, and hurts their chances for promotions. To help solve that problem, they\'ve started deploying portable, electronic schoolhouses to Iraq and Afghanistan. The Deployed Digital Training Campus comes with laptops, Internet access, voice over IP, and customized Army digital learning courses. The units have been deployed to six overseas locations so far. The Army plans to have 50 by 2015.

    June 03, 2011
  • The US Postal Service is using technology to make what many people would call junk mail a little more eye-catching to tech-savvy consumers. In what it\'s calling \"interactive mail\", the Postal Service is giving postage discounts to commercial mailers who print QR barcodes on their mailpieces. The codes can be scanned by a smartphone, which then takes users to a mobile website with more information about the product or service. USPS says it\'s part of a long term strategy to keep mail relevant as an advertising platform.

    June 03, 2011
  • Carey Miller is the director of technology risk at Deloitte. She joins In Depth with updates your agency should know about in ID management

    June 02, 2011



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