
  • If you have a good idea for INSA, you could be invited to present your proposal in front of a panel of 75 technologists and scientists. We learn more about how to become the Next Intelligence Innovation Idol from Ellen McCarthy, President of INSA.

    May 20, 2011
  • Smart Power implies the synchronization and integration of multiple government organizations to secure our national interests around the world. We get details from Booz Allen\'s Jon Allen and Cheryl Steele.

    May 20, 2011
  • The agency is extending the FTS2001 bridge contract with four vendors for at least another six months. Most of the largest agencies have not fully transitioned to the telecommunications. GSA is readying several other contracts including for HSPD-12 services and strategic sourcing for wireless services.

    May 20, 2011
  • In your cybersecurity update, think twice before trusting the calendar or address book on your smart phone.

    May 19, 2011
  • The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is partnering with nine federal agencies for a new online initiative designed to boost digital literacy among Americans. The new is designed to centralize resources for teaching computer and Internet skills, so they can be easily deployed to public libraries and other learning sites across the country. NTIA says the target audience is the 28 percent of Americans who currently don\'t use the internet at all.

    May 19, 2011
  • The Department of Agriculture is trying to shine a spotlight on what it calls \"food deserts\" -- low income neighborhoods with poor access to nutritious food. USDA\'s Economic Research Service developed a Food Desert Locator, a web-based mapping tool that shows food deserts across the U.S., and shows population characteristics in those census tracts. The Department says it wants to help policymakers and researchers expand access to fresh and healthy food in the 6500 deserts across the country.

    May 19, 2011
  • A new mobile app lets smartphone users instantly check to see whether any product on a store shelf has been recalled, and why. The new app lets users scan a product\'s UPC code with their phone\'s camera, then searches government databases to see if it\'s been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Food and Drug Administration or the Department of Agriculture. It\'s one of 18 new mobile government apps the General Services Administration is making available as part of the redesign of the website.

    May 19, 2011
  • The Labor Department is out with its very first smartphone app. It\'s designed to let anyone track the hours they work and the wages due to them. The idea, according to Labor is to let employees keep their own records, so they don\'t have to rely on their employers\' systems. The department says that information can prove invaluable when it comes to disputes filed with the Labor Department\'s Wage and Hour Division. For now, the app is for iPhone only, but Labor says they\'re exploring other devices.

    May 19, 2011
  • The FCC and FEMA have teamed up with the wireless industry to create a new emergency warning system for mobile devices. The Personal Localized Alerting Network is designed to blast emergency messages to every mobile device in a geographic area -- regardless of where that phone came from or what network it\'s on. The nation\'s four largest wireless carriers are part of the effort, which will come online by the end of the year in New York City, and in the rest of the country by next spring.

    May 19, 2011
  • A new cybersecurity school opens its doors. Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update

    May 19, 2011
  • The Census Bureau is experimenting with ways to collect data using the Internet. The bureau didn\'t use online data collection for the 2010 Census, but officials say they are already getting responses via the Internet for their ongoing American Community Survey. By the end of the year, they expect one million people to have responded to the ACS online, and many people are using mobile devices to respond to the survey. The Bureau plans to use what they learn to plan online efforts for the full 2020 Census.

    May 19, 2011
  • The State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development have decided to partner with the private sector to get basic health information to expectant mothers in developing countries. The Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action will focus on delivering critical information to mothers in areas where mobile phones are plentiful, but health care access is scarce. The first round will focus on Bangladesh, South Africa and India. From there, they hope to build it into a global program.

    May 19, 2011
  • The Army will turn to members of the public and industry to help it develop software more quickly. Their first Apps For Army challenge was open only to Army employees, but officials say the second round will tap into industry as part of the buildup to the forthcoming Army applications Marketplace. The Army says it wants to use the challenge to deliver new software capabilities in as little as 90 days, and generate applications that can be used on any platform -- whether mobile or desktop.

    May 19, 2011
  • The US Department of Agriculture wanted to make food safety information available to people where and when they actually need it, like in the kitchen, at the barbecue grill or the grocery store. So they developed a web-based mobile application to answer some of the most common questions about preparing, handling and storing food. The app, which they\'re calling \"Ask Karen,\" lets users search through a list of about 1,500 questions designed to help prevent foodborne illness. It\'s optimized for Android, iPhone and iPad devices, but will work with most mobile phones.

    May 19, 2011



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