
  • The Department of Homeland Security already has real-time access to biometric data maintained in the FBI\'s huge database of criminal records. Within the next year, it\'ll be able to share similar data with the Defense Department.

    March 01, 2011
  • In case of a government shutdown, federal employees will be barred from entering their workplace, using their smartphones or laptops, and accessing email and collaboration tools. “People who work despite what you tell them will…

    February 28, 2011
  • The agency and the CIO Council creates a list of the competencies cybersecurity workers need. OPM\'s Kichak said agencies will have a common understanding of the skills and abilities these employees need.

    February 28, 2011
  • Gen. Keith Alexander, commander of the military\'s new Cyber Command and the director of the NSA, said DoD can help protect private networks from cyber attack - especially critical infrastructure - without infringing on civil liberties. He said civilian agencies and private network operators could leverage NSA\'s capabilities without having the spy agency be in charge of security.

    February 28, 2011
  • The administration\'s IT agenda for fiscal 2012 will include new tools to combat cyber threats as well as major overhauls to how agencies manage their systems. Agency CIOs say agility will be important moving forward.

    February 28, 2011
  • During a Shutdown: non-essential teleworkers unplug!

    February 28, 2011
  • February 28th and March 2nd, 2011 Conversation with Authors Series with Professor Scott Overmyer: A Conversation on Implementing Telework: Lessons learned from Four Federal Agencies

    February 28, 2011
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities doesn’t use cloud computing outside of a test environment currently but Brett Bobley, the agency’s chief information officer, is looking to change that. He tells Federal News Radio one of his main priorities is pinpointing areas where the agency can use cloud computing to increase efficiency and save money. [...]

    February 26, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management has officially defined what it means to be a federal IT security worker.

    February 25, 2011
  • VA CIO Roger Baker says Government IT systems are at increased risk to inside and outside threats because many agencies don\'t have a centralized budget or operational authority over their IT systems.

    February 25, 2011
  • Government IT systems are at increased risk to inside and outside threats because departments lack centralized budget and operational authority over their IT systems, says Roger Baker.

    February 25, 2011
  • In the Recovery Operations Center, a cadre of analysts pore over millions of records of data looking for early warning signs of fraud in the $862 billion stimulus program. Chairman of the RAT Board, Earl Devaney explains the program.

    February 25, 2011
  • OMB mandated departments implement continuous monitoring of their cyber networks by 2012. Part of meeting that goal is understanding what hardware and software currently reside on the computing backbone.

    February 25, 2011
  • The service says it\'s getting closer to determining the path forward for issuing smartphones to soldiers in the field. It\'s something the service says could eventually provide warfighters with an all-in-one platform for training, battlefield communications and more.

    February 25, 2011



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