
  • The Office of Management and Budget's markup of the Senate's version of the bill changes language around requiring data standards and how the information should be published. Open government advocates are concerned about OMB's suggestions.

    January 27, 2014
  • Rep. Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) wants answers from the Veterans Affairs Department after its latest privacy and cyber breach of the data of more than 5,000 veterans through its eBenefits portal. VA says it has fixed the software defect and its Data Breach Core Team is investigating what happened.

    January 27, 2014
  • The platform Thursday received the prestigious Harvard Innovations in American Government award from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. It beat out 600 other entrants to be the first federal winner of the award since 2003.

    January 24, 2014
  • The newest industry technology association is recruiting new members and contributing to the discussion to improve federal IT acquisition. But in the short term, ITAPS faces a court decision on Feb. 7 whether the lawsuit filed by TechAmerica against it and three employees goes forward.

    January 24, 2014
  • The Administration's establishment of the Cloud First policy opens the door for agencies to take full advantage of cloud computing in order to maximize capacity utilization, improve IT flexibility and responsiveness, and minimize cost. As agencies seek to combine different cloud services or legacy systems, they need a seamless form of integration. The result is the exploration of Cloud Computing Brokerage, a means to integrate software-as-a-service economically with the agility and flexibility the agency needs.

    January 23, 2014
  • The National Defense University's Information Resources Management College offers 12 certificate courses and a master's of science degree in government information leadership to help current and future CIOs sharpen their technology and management skills. January 23, 2014

    January 23, 2014
  • More than 60 social media apps are now available to agencies, allowing them to select the best method to meet their missions. One of the areas that's most ripe for innovation is in emergency management.

    January 23, 2014
  • A new white paper from SafeGov recommended ways for agencies to move to an integrated cloud and cyber approach and away from one that is fragmented and ad hoc in many respects. Karen Evans, a co-author of the report and a former Office of Management and Budget administrator for e-government and IT, said agencies need a clearer picture of how this integration could happen.

    January 23, 2014
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency says an eventual commercial cloud buy probably won't be bundled into a single contract vehicle, but in the meantime, DoD needs to work through challenges involving security, approval policy and network operations.

    January 22, 2014
  • Dolly Oberoi, CEO of C2-Technolgies, will discuss online training and how the federal government can use it to reduce costs and improve benefits. January 21, 2014

    January 21, 2014
  • How can you tell if your system has been compromised? Internet security firm Mandiant says there are numerous signs. Included are evidence of unauthorized use of valid accounts, trace evidence & partial files, command and control activity, known and unknown malware, suspicious network traffic, valid programs used for other purposes and files that have obviously been accessed by attackers. IT managers are reminded that threats can slip in undetected and lay dormant for long periods of time before striking.

    January 21, 2014
  • How do you shop securely online. The Center for Internet Security says you should "know your online merchants. Limit online shopping to merchants you know and trust. Only go to sites by directly typing the URL in the address bar. If you are unsure about a merchant, check with the Better Business Bureau or the Federal Trade Commission to ensure its legitimacy. Confirm the online seller's contact information in case you have questions or problems. Use a credit card, not a debit card. Credit cards are protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act and may reduce your liability if your information is used improperly.

    January 21, 2014
  • Devices such as smartphones and tablets are being used more and more often for online shopping and the Center for Internet Security is warning that means the volume of attacks against them will increase as well. The "center" says every time you download an app, you open yourself to potential vulnerabilities. Their advice is to research those apps you plan to download to verify their legitimacy. Update all apps when notified and disable Bluetooth and Near Field Communications when not in use to reduce the risk of your data, such as a credit card number, being intercepted by a nearby device.

    January 21, 2014
  • Recently several large U.S. companies were hacked online and like other victims of similar attacks, they were not aware until well after the attack happened. In some cases it was months. Online security firm Mandiant says, often attacks are blamed on malware, but they say 46% of compromised machines have no malware on them. Mandiant says hackers can navigate through conventional safeguards easily leaving little or no trace.

    January 21, 2014



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