
  • Mary Givvines, deputy director of Information Services at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, joins host John Gilroy to talk about how the agency's open government initiatives. March 5, 2013

    March 06, 2013
  • More than 80 percent of the federal systems count on private sector critical infrastructure to work. Should one of the telecommunications, electricity or other providers be hacked or go down from a natural disaster, agency mission would be in peril. Just take last summer's Derecho that impacted the Washington DC area. One agency lost their connection to the Internet for some time because of the storm even though their infrastructure was in the cloud. Over the past decade or more, agencies have applied the lessons learned from the assortment of man-made and natural disasters that have impacted their services to keep their services running as smoothly as possible. But with the emergence of cloud computing, virtualization, mobile computing and other technologies, what should agencies keep in mind to ensure the continuity of operations? How is the idea of COOP and disaster recovery changing? The panel, Carrying on with Continuity of Operations, will look at how agencies have implemented COOP and disaster recovery over the past decade and where they need to go next.

    March 01, 2013
  • Brian Moran, a lecturer at the Graduate School USA, is leading an effort to reinvigorate the enterprise architecture curriculum. February 28, 2013

    March 01, 2013
  • Looming budget cuts, expanded missions, greater public demand, and a changing workforce--huge challenges for today's government agency leaders. These challenges present opportunities to maximize value and do better with less. With guidance coming from many directions, how can leaders determine what works best for their agencies? What are the "game-changers" in the arena of driving value? And how can leaders expedite value optimization?

    March 01, 2013
  • Steven VanRoekel, the federal CIO, said the PortfolioStat approach will help agencies manage through these tough budget times. He said agency technology investments could take a hit as the automatic spending cuts become real.

    March 01, 2013
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    February 28, 2013
  • Rep. Darrell Issa plans to formally introduce the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act before the end of March. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held its second hearing on the draft bill. Current and former federal officials say the bill should place a stronger emphasis on project management and workforce issues.

    February 28, 2013
  • A House Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on the decision by the Defense and Veterans Affairs Departments to scale back plans for a joint integrated electronic-health records systems dredged up longstanding issues with the two departments' EHR efforts.

    February 27, 2013
  • The Pentagon's commercial device implementation plan, made public Tuesday, aims at near-term implementation of a new generation of mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads and Android handhelds and tablets on both classified and unclassified networks.

    February 27, 2013
  • Kerry McDermott from the WestHealth Institute and Dr. Harry Greenspun from Deloitte talk about healthcare IT, and ways to cut costs. February 26, 2013

    February 26, 2013
  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is concerned new regulations may make whistleblowers even more reluctant to report tax fraud to the IRS. OMB Controller Danny Werfel says $85 billion in cuts under sequestration would hurt every state. Maj. Gen. Brett Williams says the U.S. Cyber Command is trying to figure how to normalize operations alongside air, land and sea capabilities. Lynn Singleton, director of environmental services at Lockheed Martin, talks about helping agencies move their email to the cloud. Dr. Milton Corn explains why The National Library of Medicine is monitoring social media.

    February 25, 2013
  • President Obama's recent executive order directing that cyber threat information be shared more broadly with the private sector risks making the data less useful to the intelligence agencies that gather and process it. But the risk is worth the potential reward.

    February 25, 2013
  • News and buzz in the acquisition and IT communities that you may have missed this week.

    February 22, 2013
  • Budget uncertainty at the General Services Administration, other agencies and among vendors is the main cause behind the decision to call off the annual training conference, GSA officials said.

    February 22, 2013



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