Cloud Computing

  • After two years of planning and pilot programs, the intelligence community says its plan to integrate the IT systems of its 17 agencies is moving forward toward large-scale adoption.

    September 19, 2014
  • David Rubal, Public Sector Pre-Sales Consulting Manager with Tableau Software, will discuss how his company is helping agencies analyze and process big data. September 16, 2014

    September 16, 2014
  • The Postal Service has some compliance issues with its cloud computing contracts.

    September 11, 2014
  • Gino Magnifico, the chief information officer of the Army Contracting Command, said the move to a zero-client setup for its desktop computers and the development of lighter weight apps to be used anywhere in the world is a direct result of having a mature cloud infrastructure.

    September 11, 2014
  • Shrinking agency budgets and the widespread use of cloud computing is starting to address a longstanding problem for agencies, Shadow IT. Shadow IT is when employees deploy hardware and software without the permission or knowledge of the agency's CIO. Federal News Radio's Executive Editor Jason Miller explained how agencies are starting to shine the light on this rogue IT on the Federal Drive with Tom Temin. Read Jason's related article.

    September 11, 2014
  • NASA CIO Larry Sweet has mandated enterprise services first for all commodity IT. Other agencies, such as GSA and Interior, are trying to find the right balance between giving field offices latitude and rigid IT requirements.

    September 11, 2014
  • These days, it's only a matter of time before the next data breach occurs. Just ask Home Depot, it could also be your agency. Hackers recently breached and installed malicious software. Although the attack took place in July, it took the Health and Human Services Department more than a month to detect it. Claire Giordano is a senior director at Quantum. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to explain how network forensics can play a critical role in protecting agencies' data.

    September 10, 2014
  • Rebecca Halstead, president of the local chapter of the International Institute of Business Analysis and David Pradko, vice president of Finance for the IIBA, will how their organization can help your agency with its software development projects. September 9, 2014

    September 09, 2014
  • Former GSA official Dave McClure left government in June and now is an executive at the Veris Group.

    September 02, 2014
  • The Environmental Protection Agency can't keep track of the data it stores in the cloud. EPA's Inspector General says it a subcontractor for a water permit system was using a cloud system to run its share of the operation, but neither the agency nor the prime contractor was aware of it. Albert Schmidt is an IT auditor of Information Resources Management and audits for the EPA's Inspector General. He says this type of cybersecurity problem isn't entirely the agency's fault.

    August 28, 2014
  • Chris LaPoint, vice president of Product Management for SolarWinds will discuss how his company can help your agency manage its information technology system. August 26, 2014

    August 26, 2014
  • Boston University researchers think they've found a new way to build a cybersecurity system. The Modular Approach to Cloud Security wins a $10 million grant from the National Science Foundation's Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace program. The goal is to build a cloud made up of small functional components, each with their own security capabilities. Ran Canetti is director of the Center for Reliable Information Systems and Cybersecurity at Boston University and leads the project. He explained what a clear and transparent cloud might look like on In Depth with Francis Rose.

    August 25, 2014
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency, which serves as the broker between Defense Department components and commercial providers of cloud computing services, says the certification standards it set for commercial providers may be too arduous for vendors. DoD also launched five pilots to test the use of commercial cloud providers and is reassessing how it develops cloud requirements.

    August 21, 2014
  • The service will test out a role-based authentication technology on an application in the MilCloud run by DISA. Frank Konieczny, the Air Force's chief technology officer, said the pilot could move into full production in six months. DoD is considering adding the role-based capability to the JIE framework.

    August 15, 2014