Tom Temin

  • Imagine cheating taxpayers out of millions and millions of dollars, and at the same time, deliberately misdiagnosing hundreds of patients just for the purpose of stealing. Unfortunately such people are out there. But there's one less now, thanks to the efforts of Bryan Drake. Drake is a special agent on the FBI Doctor Fata investigative team and a finalist in this year's Service to America Medals. He joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss his process.

    June 23, 2017
  • The federal government may be a step behind industry when it comes to IT, but it's always the same step. It stays in the race, never quite catching up.

    June 22, 2017
  • Working in the federal government means leadership comes and goes at least every four years. Unlike the private sector, most federal employees have constitutional protection for their jobs. And what they do is ultimately governed by that document. Bob Tobias, professor in the Key Executive Leadership Program at American University, joined Eric White on Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk more about this.

    June 22, 2017
  • Sometimes large and highly publicized procurements go so far off the rails the agency has no choice but to cancel them. That's what happened when Homeland Security's acquisition shop tried to make a multiple award deal for agile development. After two rounds of protests, the agency gave up. Joseph Petrillo, procurement attorney with Petrillo and Powell, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk more on the perceived irregularities.

    June 22, 2017
  • Even if your people don't handle classified information, you can learn a lot from the National Insider Threat Task Force.

    June 21, 2017
  • Bureau of Land Management may be stepping up its technology game with improvements to its system for tracking oil and gas reserves on public and Indian lands.

    June 21, 2017
  • From proving bomb parts can get through front-door screenings to examining the Fort Hood shootings, the Government Accountability Office has been following the federal insider threat situation for years. Its work covers both the physical world and cyberspace.Joseph Kirschbaum, GAO director of defense capabilities and management, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss the range of work he's overseen.

    June 21, 2017
  • For many federal agencies, summer marks the arrival of interns. Among the fresh-faced kids could be one of the next generation of federal public servants. It is important to offer them an opportunity to see what's great about the work you do. Margot Conrad, director of education and outreach at the Partnership for Public Service, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss the possibilities.

    June 21, 2017
  • Ethical people don't need a code of ethics, while crooks and cheaters don't care whether you have one.

    June 20, 2017
  • Defense information pro Paul DeMennato offers advice about protecting informational systems against insider threats. He said it's more than keeping up to date on patches and monitoring files for human anomalies, it's about getting your staff to buy in to a culture of protecting against insider attacks.

    June 20, 2017
  • Kumbaya-like bipartisanship evaporates quickly and as the legislative week gets underway, Democrats, Republicans and the Trump White House are finding precious little they can agree on. That's especially true as budget hearings get into full swing. Roll Call Senior Editor David Hawkings joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to provide a little more insight.

    June 20, 2017
  • For federal agencies, presidential administrations are like guests who come and go, but leave their baggage behind. That's why it often takes contractors to help program managers keep up with the accumulated reporting requirements and guidance compliance. OMB Director Mick Mulvaney said he wants to clear some of the clutter and Alan Chvotkin, executive vice president and counsel at the Professional Services Council, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss the possibilities.

    June 20, 2017
  • In today's Federal Newscast, the Homeland Security Department has once again awarded Raytheon the $1 billion DOMino cybersecurity contract.

    June 20, 2017
  • Ever since Edward Snowden went against the National Security Agency, it seems like the federal government has been victim to a string of insider threats carried out. The latest being the young woman who sent NSA documents to a news site. David Buckley, managing director for federal risk consulting at KPMG, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to provide ideas for how agencies can mitigate the insider threat in the cyber age.

    June 19, 2017