Tom Temin

  • Dr. David Shulkin has either made a dramatic and long-overdue change, or he's stomped on a hornet's nest and unleashed furies that'll eat him alive.

    June 06, 2017
  • In today's Federal Newscast, Reality Leigh Winner, an employee of Pluribus International Corporation, removed classified material from a government facility and gave it to an online news outlet, according to the Justice Department.

    June 06, 2017
  • For federal agencies, the upcoming budget debate season might look something like the Bermuda triangle. Some bureaus may disappear never be seen again. Agencies are told to budget according to the shrinkage and consolidation envisioned by the Trump administration, the plans for which are due in less than a month. Agency managers aren't the only ones concerned. For how contractors see it, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turns to David Berteau, president and CEO of the Professional Services Council.

    June 05, 2017
  • Transition under the Trump administration has been anything but typical. For numerous reasons, it's taking longer than usual, and it has fewer people in place than federal employees have come to expect in June of transition years. For tips on coping, Federal Drive with Tom Temin talked to Jeff Neal, senior vice president at ICF, and former chief human capital officer at Homeland Security.

    June 05, 2017
  • Serial continuing resolutions have made it hard for every agency to plan their budgets. But the Energy Department seems to have it even tougher because of the complexity of its work. It also has challenges managing its contracts and projects. For more, Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke with David Trimble, director of natural resources and environment issues at the Government Accountability Office.

    June 05, 2017
  • Serial continuing resolutions have made it hard for every agency to plan their budgets. But the Energy Department seems to have it even tougher because of the complexity of its work. It also has challenges managing its contracts and projects. For more, Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke with David Trimble, director of natural resources and environment issues at the Government Accountability Office.

    June 05, 2017
  • While technology is embraced nearly everywhere, Congress is still a paper-based institution. Seamus Kraft is among those working to expose Congress’ technological handicaps and promote ways to make government more open, accessible and efficient.

    June 05, 2017
  • Presidents have used the overseas contingency operations fund to bolster the Defense Department budget outside of the Budget Control Act rules. But Congress should do better.

    June 05, 2017
  • In today's Federal Newscast, in dire need of more agents, the Secret Service says it's no longer turning down applicants who tried marijuana more than a certain number of times in the past.

    June 05, 2017
  • Scientists already know there are times when our brains are better at absorbing new information or learning new skills. Now the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is funding a new effort to figure out exactly how the process works. Dr. Doug Weber is the program manager for DARPA’s Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program. He tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin it could have it could have major applications for military training, like learning foreign languages.

    June 02, 2017
  • Legions of reporting media that serve niche markets mostly just want a particular program, policy or contract explained.

    June 02, 2017
  • In today's Federal Newscast, the Justice Department's Office of Inspector General reports that though the number of allegations is low, DoJ has systemic issues with how it handles sexual harassment and misconduct claims.

    June 02, 2017
  • One thing about cybersecurity: events never let you take it for granted. Every week, it seems, brings a new and lurid story about a cyber problem. The Trump administration is continuing the tradition of the White House having cybersecurity policies. Joining Federal Drive with Tom Temin with analysis of the month-old executive order is Karen Evans, chairwoman of the U.S. Cyber Challenge and a former IT executive during the George W. Bush administration.

    June 01, 2017
  • Congress seems to have a foot in two centuries. It grapples with budgets and issues in the here and now, but it does so with the technology of the last century. When it comes to the amount of paper used, even the century before that. At least one member thinks that needs to change. As the third and final installment in our series, Modernizing the Congress, Rep. Steve Russell (R-Okla.) discusses on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    June 01, 2017