
  • The Office of Personnel Management's retirement backlog spiked in July with more claims filed than expected and no way to process them fast enough. Its the first month the inventory hasn't seen a decrease since February.

    August 05, 2015
  • On this edition of "Ask the CHCO", host Lauren Larson interviews Paige Hinkle-Bowles, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Civilian Personnel Policy.

    August 05, 2015
  • Retiring NTEU president Colleen Kelley says she never considered herself a Beltway insider after living in the DC area for more than 28 years. She said she spent about half her time as president on the road, listening to federal employees voice their concerns. She said that's the best advice she can offer her successor once NTEU casts its votes next Tuesday.

    August 05, 2015
  • The massive data breach impacting more than 22 million current and former federal employees leaves many with more questions than answers. A recent Congressional Research Service report highlighted several of those unknowns that continue to plague this evolving situation. Dan Blair is president of the National Academy of Public Administration and a former deputy director at OPM. He joined Jason Miller on the Federal Drive to try to answer some of those concerns.

    August 05, 2015
  • The four-term president of the National Treasury Employees Union is stepping down. Colleen Kelley has been president for 16 years. She'll retire next week after the NTEU's annual convention. She jells In Depth with Francis Rose about some of her biggest accomplishments and challenges during her tenure.

    August 04, 2015
  • The biggest shortfall in your agency may not be a budget shortfall. It may an energy shortage. Dr. Marta Wilson is the author of the new book: "Energized Enterprise -- Leading Your Workforce to New Peaks of Performance in the Public Sector and Beyond". She's also a management consultant to public and private sector organizations, and tells In Depth with Francis Rose that an energy shortage is something every manager should watch out for.

    August 04, 2015
  • This week, Women of Washington is on location at the Executive Women in Government Leadership Summit for a special episode. Hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm interviewed two of the presenters at the forum to get their take on in the federal government.

    August 04, 2015
  • The Office of Management and Budget just posted the latest data from its 30-day cyber sprint. Alan Paller of the SANS Institute and a task force of industry experts offer their insight on what are the next steps agencies should be taking to improve their cybersecurity.

    August 04, 2015
  • SPECIAL REBROADCAST: On this edition of “Disaster Relief for America”, hosts Tim Karney and Tom Moran interview Chris Geldart, the Director of the District of Columbia’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA).

    August 04, 2015
  • For agency managers responsible for cybersecurity, the last few weeks have been challenging. The data breach affecting millions might have been the direct responsibility of the Office of Personnel Management, but the response has been all-of-government - starting with the now-concluded 30-day cyber sprint. Cyber is a matter of technology, skill and people. Alan Paller, the director of research at the SANS Institute, joined Jared Serbu on the Federal Drive to offer some perspective on what CIOs and cybersecurity officers need to do next.

    August 03, 2015
  • It's sad to say, but bad news is often good news for the media. That's a shame, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey, because so much good news about the federal government never gets reported.

    August 03, 2015
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about interesting things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    August 01, 2015
  • Stratfor's Scott Stewart and Mark Schroeder join host Derrick Dortch to discuss the prison escape of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, immigration reform, the Boko Haram terrorist group and the reluctance of some African counties to stay as members of the International Criminal Court. July 31, 2015

    July 31, 2015
  • The National Academy of Public Administration concludes that time-and-attendance fraud is neither widespread nor unique to teleworkers at the Patent and Trademark Office.

    July 31, 2015