
  • Customs and Border Protection has been steadily increasing its number of agents. But recently the agency commissioned a recruitment drive aimed at boosting the ranks of female agents. Only about 5 percent of CBP's 21,000 agents are women. But with more and more women trying to cross the Mexican border, CBP officials think having more women agents could help. Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske spoke with Tom Temin on the Federal Drive about the agency's push to hire more female agents, starting with the results of its recruitment drive.

    December 29, 2014
  • The Merit System Protection Board agrees that GSA's conference scandal was, indeed, scandalous. But at least two of the senior officials GSA fired in response didn't have much to do with the whole affair.

    December 29, 2014
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    December 27, 2014
  • Jeffrey Cathey and Lewis Runnion with Bank of America will discuss how the company is helping veterans find jobs in the private sector after they complete their military service. December 26, 2014

    December 26, 2014
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is taking some time off. Today's guest columnist wonders why some federal employees — graying workforce, millennials and veterans — are getting all the attention while mid-career professionals are being treated like proverbial "red-headed stepchildren".

    December 26, 2014
  • Author and University of Pennsylvania professor John Dilulio joins host Mike Causey to discuss his new book: "Bring Back the Bureaucrats". December 24, 2014

    December 24, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management already has some New Year's resolutions for the federal workforce: Set up a governmentwide mentorship program for the Senior Executive Service and establish an employee engagement point person for every agency.

    December 24, 2014
  • Sharon Helman loses her job because she accepted and failed to report illegal gifts, not because she led the health care facility at the heart of the nationwide scandal over patient care.

    December 24, 2014
  • Jill Singer, partner at Deep Water Point and former CIO of the National Reconnaissance Office, sits down with Women of Washington radio show hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm, for a discussion about cloud computing and insider threats.

    December 24, 2014
  • IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said the agency is between a rock and a hard place in finding thanks to budget cuts.

    December 23, 2014
  • Former DHS senior executive Jeff Neal counts down the "12 Days of Fedmas," his adaptation of the holiday favorite for the federal workforce.

    December 23, 2014
  • Did you dream of being a doctor, astronaut or jockey when you grew up? Federal service may not have been your dream job when you were 9, guest columnist Nancy Crosby says, but that doesn't mean it can't be fulfilling or important.

    December 23, 2014
  • Today, 13,000 fewer employees work for the Internal Revenue Service than in 2010. The agency's budget is also down about 10 percent since then. John Koskinen, the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, says his agency is facing major financial and staffing challenges. He tells In Depth with Francis Rose about his plans to keep the IRS running.

    December 22, 2014
  • The latest round of the Vets to Feds program is ready at the Office of Personnel Management. Eric Brown, program manager of Vets to Feds at OPM, tells In Depth with Francis Rose about the history of the program.

    December 22, 2014