
  • In a proposed rule expected to be released Dec. 3, the Office of Personnel Management outlines how this new benefit will work for federal employees and retirees. OPM is accepting comments on the proposal.

    December 02, 2014
  • We are now in a situation where a bonus holiday after Christmas and a government shutdown are both theoretically possible, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    December 02, 2014
  • Andrew Traver, director of the National Criminal Investigative Service will bring us up to date on what's going on at the agency, and how its mission is expected to change in the future. December 5, 2014

    December 01, 2014
  • John Adler of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association wondered what impact President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration would have on the resources of CBP and ICE officers.

    December 01, 2014
  • Uncle Sam isn't Detroit. At least not yet, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey. But a growing number of politicians -- some seeking better ways to do things, some bureaucrat-haters -- are looking at the government retirement program as the place to make savings.

    December 01, 2014
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    November 29, 2014
  • On Thanksgiving, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey remembers those federal employees who are working today.

    November 27, 2014
  • In a new report on reducing the federal deficit, the Congressional Budget Office suggests that cutting 70,000 government jobs over the next decade and changing the math used for civilian and military pensions could save $100 billion.

    November 26, 2014
  • The U.S. Postal Service is never more in demand than now, the year-end holiday season. But Postal employees face more than a heavy workload. Year-round, they're dealing with the threat of assaults as they make their rounds, sometimes in the dark. Then there's this: Postal Service employees who have faced sexually assault by their coworkers. In a new report by the NBC News-4 Investigative Team, two Postal workers told investigative reporter Tisha Thompson what they said happened to them and the retaliation they faced after speaking out. She joined Tom Temin on the Federal Drive to discuss her investigation.

    November 26, 2014
  • It's Thanksgiving and everyone should remember to thank federal employees for all the work they do on our behalf, says Jeff Neal, founder of

    November 25, 2014
  • The U.S. Digital Service team is working with VA and other agencies to hire and train employees to apply the agile development approach to projects. Mikey Dickerson, USDS director, said the goal is two-fold: to create lasting agile development capacity in agencies and to ensure agencies think about citizens' needs first and foremost.

    November 25, 2014
  • The continuing resolution funding your agency expires in 16 days, on Dec. 11. The possibilities for what happens after that ranges from another CR, to a full government shutdown, or even to Congress passing an omnibus bill. Jessica Klement is legislative director of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association. On In Depth with Francis Rose, she offered predictions on what might happen over the next few weeks.

    November 25, 2014
  • Senior managers soon may have more to fret about when it's time to discuss their performance with the boss: Are they engaging employees and creating inclusive work environments?

    November 25, 2014
  • The Pentagon has been relying on teleconferencing for decades. The downside is that much of the equipment and technology DoD relies on for video teleconferences (VTCs) has been around for decades.

    November 24, 2014