
  • An ex-Marine was convicted of first-degree murder Tuesday. He is already serving a life sentence for previous crimes and could face execution.

    April 11, 2014
  • The person who first said, "Getting there is half the fun," probably didn't work for the government, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. And certainly didn't have to commute in D.C., Boston, New York or LA. So how do you do it?

    April 11, 2014
  • Sixteen black female members of Congress are pushing Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to change Army regulations that ban hairstyles frequently worn by minority women in the military. The Associated Press reports the members of the Congressional Black Caucus signed a letter Thursday to Hagel, stating that the changes are "discriminatory rules targeting soldiers who are women of color." They say that references in the rules calling hairstyles worn mostly by black women "unkempt" and "matted" are offensive and show a lack of "cultural sensitivity."

    April 11, 2014
  • Absent significant investment in developing the leadership abilities of supervisors, the federal government is going to have morale and performance issues for years to come, says Jeff Neal, former CHCO at Homeland Security.

    April 10, 2014
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Is getting to and from work your best time of day? Are you listening to books or learning a language? Or do you have the commute from hell? Do you arrive at work and home having committed murder in your heart?

    April 10, 2014
  • Carol Bonosaro, president of the Senior Executives Association, will discuss the status of the SES, and Nicole Johnson and Andy Medici from the Federal Times will talk about cloud computing and the likelihood that feds will get a pay raise. April 9, 2014

    April 09, 2014
  • A customer service representative at the IRS who repeatedly greeted taxpayers calling a help-line with a chant urging President Barack Obama's re-election in 2012 could now be facing significant disciplinary action, according to the Office of Special Counsel. It's one of three cases of improper political activity at the agency recently uncovered by OSC. Meanwhile, three career officials at Customs and Border Protection are under fire by OSC for allegedly manipulating the hiring process to install job candidates favored by political leadership into career appointments.

    April 09, 2014
  • GSA issued a RFQ that asks developers to restart the renovation of its stalled headquarters program and further DHS headquarters construction. The contractors wouldn't receive payment, but instead two buildings in Southwest Washington, D.C.

    April 08, 2014
  • After years of frozen pay, furloughs and shutdowns, federal workers have a new, legitimate, complaint, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. They are lonely and they are being watched at the same time!

    April 08, 2014
  • The Navy has a unique way it approaches the health and wellness of its sailors. All food aboard ships is developed and approved by a triad of people. The special group consists of an executive chef, a dietitian, and a subject matter expert. Danny King, commander of the Supply Corps for the Navy and director of the Navy Food Service, spoke with Federal Drive Host Emily Kopp at the Sea Air Space Exposition. View photos and listen to more of our interviews from the expo.

    April 07, 2014
  • Thanks to better than expected progress in processing federal retirement claims last month, the Office of Personnel Management's backlog of pending claims is shrinking for the first time this year. By the end of March, the number of backlogged claims shrank from more than 23,500 claims to about 18,500.

    April 07, 2014
  • Fast, austere, lethal — those are the goals of a new set of concepts from the Marine Corps. Expeditionary Force 21 debuts today. It charts how the Marine Corps will be organized, trained and postured for the next 10 years. It may not change what the Marines do, but it will change how they will do it. Lieutenant General Kenneth Glueck, deputy commandant of Combat Development and Integration, and head of the Marine Corps' Combat Development Command, spoke with Federal Drive Host Emily Kopp at the Sea Air Space Exposition. View photos and listen to more of our interviews from the expo.

    April 07, 2014
  • The Navy continues to change the way it thinks about energy consumption. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus recently outlined several energy goals for the next six years. They include reducing petroleum used afloat and increasing alternative energy use ashore. Much of the responsibility for that plan falls to Vice Admiral Philip Hart Cullom, the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics. He spoke with Federal Drive Host Emily Kopp at the Sea Air Space Exposition. View photos and listen to more of our interviews from the expo.

    April 07, 2014
  • The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has covered hundreds of thousands miles of ocean, and the plane still hasn't turned up. But the search has highlighted a growing problem in the oceans: giant blobs of garbage. The Marine Debris Program at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tracks the problem. The program's mission is to protect and conserve the marine environment and natural resources. Spokesperson Dianna Parker says trash often gets caught in gyres.

    April 04, 2014