
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" attendees of Families USA's Health Action 2014 Conference discuss the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Guests include National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare President and CEO Max Richtman, Citizen Action of Wisconsin Executive Director Robert Kraig, author and former insurance executive Wendell Potter, The Daily Beast Contributing Editor Eleanor Clift and Young Invincibles Senior Policy Analyst Christina Postolowski.

    February 06, 2014
  • John Koskinen, sworn in as IRS commissioner in late December, has been meeting with frontline employees and crunching numbers for the last several weeks. He told Congress Wednesday that every corner of the agency is underfunded, and as a direct result, the Treasury is collecting fewer dollars than it should.

    February 06, 2014
  • When it comes to career planning, do you have a target date for retirement, or are you going to work until you drop? One in three feds could retire now, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. So why aren't they?

    February 06, 2014
  • Host Mike Causey will talk professional liability insurance with attorneys John P. Mahoney and David Cavanaugh. Later Andy Medici will discuss potential buyouts at the Social Security Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency. February 5, 2014

    February 05, 2014
  • Track which agencies are offering early retirement incentives and buyout offers in 2014.

    February 05, 2014
  • The number of federal employees filing for retirement in January swelled to more than 17,000, according to new data from the Office of Personnel Management. But that's actually about 2,600 fewer than expected. In fact, this past month marked the first time in at least two years that the number of federal workers filing for retirement in January fell below 20,000 claims.

    February 05, 2014
  • The Army's audit arm finds huge accountability holes in a years-long program that recruited 130,000 soldiers. The program most likely violated federal law from the get-go, officials say.

    February 05, 2014
  • Forget the Academy Awards, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. There is another awards event that honors the people who make the government work. People like you.

    February 05, 2014
  • The Internal Revenue Service and the National Treasury Employees Union reached an agreement that will see the IRS pay frontline employees performance awards starting in the spring. Acting IRS chief Danny Werfel canceled payouts of the awards last July, even though the union said the agency was obligated to pay them.

    February 03, 2014
  • The Environmental Protection Agency has issued targeted early-retirement and buyout offers to hundreds of employees nationwide, according to an American Federation of Government Employees local. EPA officials are planning to offer early-outs at 19 different offices within the agency, spanning all 10 regions. Workers who sign up can receive up to $25,000 and will have to be off the rolls by early April.

    February 03, 2014
  • Do you know anybody in your office or agency who belongs to the secret KMA Club? It's an ancient and secretive society whose members can be aroused by sacred phrases, such as buyouts and early retirement, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    February 03, 2014
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    February 01, 2014
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies, will give her take on the 2014 State of the Union address. January 31, 2014

    January 31, 2014
  • Kathryn Sullivan, the acting under secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, sent an email to staff today announcing she was lifting the hiring freeze ban on non-mandatory training NOAA put in place last year to offset the impact of sequestration.

    January 31, 2014