
  • Is 2014 shaping up to be the year you get your first promotion in a long time? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you should check out what could be a retirement surge in February.

    January 07, 2014
  • Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has filed a lawsuit against Katherine Archuleta, the head of the Office of Personnel Management, seeking to overturn an OPM regulation that allows lawmakers and their staffs to continue receiving government contribution toward their health insurance premiums. Under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, lawmakers and their staffs were booted from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), under which the government typically kicks in about three-fourths of the cost of federal employees' premiums, and required to purchase health insurance on the federal exchange.

    January 06, 2014
  • Fewer federal employees filed for retirement in December than in any month in nearly the last two years, according to updated statistics from the Office of Personnel Management. Just 4,952 federal employees filed for retirement in December. But even with fewer employees retiring in December, OPM's retirement processing failed to keep pace with projections. The agency had expected to process 11,500 retirement cases but actually ended the month clearing a little more than 6,440.

    January 06, 2014
  • Hope you had a good holiday season and are ready for whatever 2014 brings, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. It's hardly likely to be worse than 2013, unless of course it is. Keep your New Year's resolutions handy. This time for sure...

    January 06, 2014
  • Federal News Radio's Sean McCalley speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    January 04, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management is calling on federal managers to help streamline the records management process by identifying which positions do what.

    January 03, 2014
  • In the fifth guest column in a series of five, a long-time Federal Report reader shares his take on why it's important for young feds to start long-term planning early in their careers.

    January 03, 2014
  • With snow blanketing the Washington, D.C., area, the Office of Personnel Management has announced federal workers in the region will be able to take unscheduled leave and telework Friday.

    January 02, 2014
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Liberty Group Ventures President Kiersten Todt will discuss how corporations and the general public are handling the rollout of the cybersecurity framework. January 2, 2014

    January 02, 2014
  • The Office of Personnel Management recently filed two proposals to change how feds enroll in the Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program and to expand the regulations of the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance.

    January 02, 2014
  • The slight 1 percent increase ordered by President Barack Obama last month is smaller than union advocates had pushed for, but it's the first time since 2010 most civilian employees will see a bump in their basic rate of pay. Still, the modest pay raise only applies to white-collar employees under the General Schedule system. Some 200,000 blue-collar federal workers at places such as the Defense and Veterans Affairs Department and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, will not see a similar increase in pay.

    January 01, 2014
  • Are you a federal employee who uses public transportation to get to work? Be prepared to shell out more for your commute. Because of congressional inaction, a tax subsidy for mass-transit commuters is set to drop nearly in half — from a maximum of $245 a month to $130.

    January 01, 2014
  • When deciding to retire there is one day, but lots of different dates, that is best for you, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. How do you figure out the difference?

    December 31, 2013
  • Under federal "use it or lose it" rules, any unspent money employees set aside last year to pay for out-of-pocket health costs, such as prescriptions or co-pays, is forfeited at the end of the year. But a group of senators from states surrounding the Washington, D.C., area, wants to change that. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) along with Sens. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) wrote to Katherine Archuleta, the head of the Office of Personnel Management, requesting the agency implement new regulations that would allow federal employees to roll over as much as $500 in unused funds from year to year.

    December 30, 2013