
  • Congress is poised, for the first time since Dwight D. Eisenhower was president, to miss its deadline to pass the one policy bill that's been considered "must-pass" legislation under administrations of both parties. But the measure's only chance of success also torpedoes Pentagon proposals for cutting DoD's internal cost growth. Military personnel would receive a 1 percent pay raise next year.

    December 11, 2013
  • When you approach a swimming pool for the first time, do you dive straight in or dip your toe first to test the waters? Before you retire, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says, wouldn't it be nice to have the toe-dipping option?

    December 11, 2013
  • The Senior Executives Association sent a letter to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Dec. 5 criticizing recently released guidance that reduced pay pool amounts for the Fiscal Year 2013 performance awards for members of the Senior Executives Service.

    December 10, 2013
  • The stresses and trauma of war are not limited to military personnel on the battlefield. Defense contractors exposed to combat zones exhibit similar rates of mental health problems as members of the military, according to a report by RAND Corporation.

    December 10, 2013
  • When the Office of Personnel Management makes the decision to close federal offices in the Washington, D.C. region because of snow, federal employees outside the area often deride inside-the-Beltway feds for their weather wimpiness. But with hundreds of thousands of federal employees spread across the country, Federal News Radio wants to know: Does a D.C. snow day impact the work that you do — wherever you are?

    December 10, 2013
  • Due to inclement weather, federal offices in the Washington, D.C., area are closed today. Emergency and telework-ready employees must follow their agency's policies.

    December 10, 2013
  • Memo from D.C. to the rest of the U.S: It's winter and that means snow and ice. So give us a break, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Feel our unique pain.

    December 10, 2013
  • Like many agencies, National Park Service is facing many challenges during tight budgetary times. Chief among NPS' challenges is how to train its next generation of leaders.

    December 09, 2013
  • Lawmakers, who face a self-imposed Friday deadline to come up with a fiscal 2014 budget plan, appear to be making progress toward a limited deal that would stave off another shutdown and give agencies the certainty of funding for the remainder of the year.But lawmakers with districts surrounding Washington, D.C. are preemptively speaking out against any proposal that, in their words, would "throw federal employees under the bus." Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.), says that too often in the past federal employees' pay and benefits have "been used as pawns in budget negotiations."

    December 09, 2013
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    December 07, 2013
  • Julie Perkins and Jenny Mattingley host a roundtable discussion of the big issues in the federal government and what's ahead for 2014. December 6, 2013

    December 06, 2013
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies will discuss how uncertainty in the federal marketplace is stifling government innovation. December 6, 2013 (Encore presentation December 13, 2013)

    December 06, 2013
  • Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), are jumpstarting a new effort to get both sides of the Capitol dome on board with a bill to make it easier for agencies to hang the "For Sale" sign outside their doors. Carper, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Chaffetz, a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, hosted a Capitol Hill roundtable with private-sector real-estate experts and former government officials Wednesday to discuss a new legislative path forward.

    December 06, 2013
  • The two employee unions say lawmakers shouldn't make up for sequestration cuts by forcing federal employees to contribute more to their retirement. House and Senate legislators are working on a small-scale budget deal that reportedly includes a provision to alter federal retirement benefits.

    December 06, 2013