
  • The number of federal employees filing for retirement is on a downward swing. For the fifth month in a row, fewer federal employees than expected filed for retirement, according to new data from the Office of Personnel Management. However, OPM's efforts at processing federal-employee retirement applications also took a nosedive last month. OPM processed just 5,700 claims in November, less than half of what it predicted it would and nearly half the number of cases the agency cleared last month.

    December 05, 2013
  • With the official start of winter just two weeks away, the Office of Personnel Management is tweaking its closure and dismissal guidelines. The updated policy changes the way OPM will communicate delayed arrivals and continues to call on agencies to ensure all federal employees who are telework-ready actually do so when OPM gives the say-so during inclement weather.

    December 05, 2013
  • The Office of Federal Procurement Policy issued a memo to agencies setting the new benchmark for reimbursable costs at $952,308, up from $763,029 in 2011 for certain contractor employee salaries. The contractor cap has increased 55 percent over the last four years. OFPP blames Congress for not acting to change the formula for calculating the annual increases.

    December 05, 2013
  • The Defense secretary issues specific directions to implement a 20 percent cutback in the size of his own sprawling support staff, including the elimination and consolidation of several senior positions. Gen. Martin Dempsey will deliver plans to cut the joint staff by 20 percent in the coming weeks, and all military organizations commanded by three or four star generals will do the same.

    December 04, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" the union's members share their stories working on the front lines in the Department of Veterans Affairs. AFGE Local 903 Chief Steward Donald White and Local 1988 Executive Vice President Geddes Scott discuss fighting for equality for all employees and the personal connection caregivers feel toward patients in the VA. Rick Weidman, executive director for policy and government affairs at Vietnam Veterans of America, also appears to detail legislation designed to help veterans returning home from combat.

    December 04, 2013
  • After five years as chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), Nancy Sutley will leave her position in February 2014. During Sutley's tenure, the Obama administration created the National Ocean Policy and Climate Action Plan.

    December 04, 2013
  • Representatives of the construction and building design industries told lawmakers Tuesday that agencies' practices in issuing design-build construction contracts are dissuading qualified contractors from even offering bids.

    December 04, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts give us an update on Dodd-Frank, and how businesses would be impacted if trans fat is eliminated from the nation's food supply. December 5, 2013

    December 03, 2013
  • Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.), chairman of the House Oversight's Subcommittee on Government Operations, said the Federal Trade Commission and the General Services Administration are "thwarting" his proposal to force the FTC to relocate out of its historic headquarters building and into leased space in Southwest Washington, D.C.

    December 03, 2013
  • The 2014 white-collar pay raise is not for everybody. Feds at the top of their grades in some cities won't be getting anything at all, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    December 03, 2013
  • The Office of Special Counsel, the agency tasked with investigating federal-agency whistleblower claims and protecting whistleblowers, themselves, from retaliation has seen demand for its work skyrocket in the wake of recent legislative changes. Now, Carolyn Lerner, the head of the OSC, said she hopes the small agency's budget will keep pace.

    December 02, 2013
  • Federal News Radio speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun and interesting things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    December 01, 2013
  • Dr. Andrea Morris, BRAC Coordinator and Community Resilience director for Arlington County Virginia, will discuss how the county is being impacted by base closure and realignment, and what officials are doing to boost job growth in the area. November 29, 2013

    November 29, 2013
  • Federal employees wanting to schedule "use it or lose it" annual leave only have a few days left before their excess vacation days are forfeited. The deadline to schedule excess annual leave is this Saturday, Nov. 30, Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta reiterated in a Nov. 26 memo to agency chief human capital officers. The leave must be used by Jan. 11, the end of the leave year.

    November 27, 2013