
  • With the House postponing a vote on extending the federal pay freeze, feds are back on course to get a slight pay increase in March — for the first time in two years. But Andrew Biggs, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and an expert on public-sector compensation, says that the pressing budget issues the government faces means the issue of federal pay probably isn't going anywhere.

    February 04, 2013
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    February 04, 2013
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    February 02, 2013
  • Fred Bruton, vice president for Intelligence at STRATFOR, will discuss a wide range of geo-political issues with host Derrick Dortch. February 1, 2013(Encore presentation February 15, 2013)

    February 01, 2013
  • Sharon Roth of the Merit Systems Protection Board discusses a new survey on federal management. Lt. Cmdr. Jean Marie Sullivan of the Navy Office of Women's Policy talks about the new DoD decision to open up combat jobs to women. Greg Kutz, a senior audit executive with the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Audit, talks about a new report his agency released. Keith Lucas, vice president for AFGE Council 228, discusses a new contract his union signed with the Small Business Administration.

    February 01, 2013
  • Thanks to congressional redistricting, many members of the House of Representatives have jobs for life if they choose to keep running for reelection. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wonders: Is it maybe time for term limits for everybody?

    February 01, 2013
  • The Small Business Administration and the American Federation of Government Employees inked a new three-year deal Thursday, extending a number of flexible workplace policies to more than 2,000 federal employees. Among the new benefits are streamlined telework privileges and the ability for employees to opt in to a four-day work-week with expanded hours each day.

    January 31, 2013
  • On this week's Bloomberg Government Capital Impact show, analysts examine the hurdles that remain for natural gas vehicles. Plus what does the future hold for housing, jobs and the debt limit in 2013? January 31, 2013

    January 31, 2013
  • Much of the media is treating the threat of a 22-day federal furlough as if it were a sporting event, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But this is big-time, heavy economic stuff. A revenue-choker for struggling state and local governments and a possible threat to economic recovery.

    January 31, 2013
  • Federal Managers Association President Pat Niehaus and Federal Times reporters Steve Losey and Sean Reilly join host Mike Causey to talk about sequestration and other issues affecting feds. January 30, 2013

    January 30, 2013
  • Federal employees are skeptical their managers are making effective decisions about the federal workforce, according to a new report from the Merit Systems Protection Board. Just 24 percent of the employees agreed that their agencies properly addressed poor performers, while 29 percent of respondents indicated their organizations eliminated unnecessary programs and positions, according to the survey of 42,000 feds from 24 agencies and departments.

    January 30, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" AFGE Defense Conference Chair Don Hale discusses the possibility of furloughs for civilian DoD workers if sequestration occurs. Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul addresses China's impact on U.S. manufacturing while Robyn Kehoe of the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund details FEEA's work with AFGE to aid Superstorm Sandy victims. AFGE Council of Prison Locals President Dale Deshotel also appears.

    January 30, 2013
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Is it geography, topography, history or location that makes Washington — your headquarters town — such a nervous city in the winter? Or, is it the number of lawyers, government workers or tourists that make getting around town so tough, and us so cautious?

    January 30, 2013
  • Joe Jordan, administrator for Federal Procurement Policy at OMB, joins host Roger Waldron to discuss a wide range of procurement issues. January 29, 2013

    January 29, 2013