
  • Are you a lifer, or are you waiting for Uncle Sam to show-you-the-money? Buyout offers abound in government but many employees say the tough economy is a good reason to stay on the job. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks have you hit the tipping point yet?

    August 08, 2012
  • Kevin Youel Page, deputy commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services, will talk about the agency's goals and initiatives. August 7, 2012

    August 08, 2012
  • Interior estimates 13 million acres in the Western United States have high winds, lots of sunlight, or sit on top of geothermal sources.

    August 07, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says it's now clear another round of BRAC isn't in the cards in the immediate future, but maintains it will be necessary to keep a "balanced force."

    August 07, 2012
  • The Air Force wants to know what its airmen and civilian employees think of the food at installations and bases.

    August 06, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management received more claims than expected last month, but for the third month in a row processed more claims than it expected to. OPM has also made progress cutting the longstanding backlog of retirement claims. At 44,679 claims, there are now fewer retirement claims stuck in the backlog than there were in December 2011, when OPM began tracking them as part of a new push to eliminate the logjam.

    August 06, 2012
  • Congress has delayed the online financial disclosure requirement of the STOCK Act for a month. But already this provision that affects 28,000 senior members of the executive branch is deterring high-level feds from joining the ranks of senior executives, according to the Senior Executives Association.

    August 06, 2012
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    August 04, 2012
  • Auditors found no security weaknesses that present an immediate threat to the jobs portal or user information housed in its database. The test represented the site's first independent security evaluation since OPM took control over from Monster Government Solutions in Oct. 2011. Under MGS management, hackers broke into the portal twice in 17 months.

    August 03, 2012
  • The historic labor agreement covering 45,000 transportation security officers (TSOs) overhauls the current pay-for-performance system, puts in place a grievance process for workplace disputes and increases the uniform allowance.

    August 03, 2012
  • Congress has delayed by a month parts of an insider-trading law that would have required federal employees to post financial-disclosure forms online Aug. 31. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) introduced the measure Thursday, where it was quickly adopted by both chambers of Congress. The vote came shortly before the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in federal court in Greenbelt, Md., on behalf of 28,0000 employees to block implementation of the STOCK Act.

    August 02, 2012
  • The nation's 45,000 transportation security officers now have union representation.

    August 02, 2012
  • When you think of the good old days do you think of your childhood, or maybe when you were in high school or college? For some people, like those who work for or are otherwise linked to Uncle Sam, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the good old days may be as recent as this time last year when we thought times were tough.

    August 02, 2012
  • NTEU president Colleen Kelley and Steve Watkins and Andy Medici from the Federal Times will talk about some of the big a wide variey of issues affecting federal workers. August 1, 2012

    August 01, 2012