
  • The program affects soldiers who have more than three years active duty service but less than six years total service.

    June 12, 2012
  • GSA, Commerce and others are using supply chain management techniques to buy smarter and more efficiently. Federal Acquisition Service Commissioner Steve Kempf said a recent survey of their contractors will help influence the next generation of schedules.

    June 12, 2012
  • If terms like "cooperative purchasing" and/or "contract bundling" turn you on, welcome to the wonderful world of buying, federal style, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. Check out day two of Federal News Radio's multimedia special report, "Inside The World Biggest Buyer."

    June 12, 2012
  • Two former administrators of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Al Burman and Steve Kelman, discuss how acquisition reforms and improvements often fall prey to partisanship. One of OFPP's goals is not only to create acquisition policy, but systems that last beyond one administration. "You want to try to have continuity, as much as you can and keep better management of the procurement system out of partisan politics as much as you can," Kelman said. "If it's just an initiative — if it's forgotten in six months — it's never going to accomplish anything."

    June 11, 2012
  • Larry Allen of Allen Federal joins host Mark Amtower to talk about changes in government procurement. June 11, 2012(Encore presentation June 25, 2012)

    June 11, 2012
  • OPM Director John Berry reminded agency leaders that they must seek approval from his agency before placing political appointees in some jobs. The guidelines also include a ban of certain incentive awards.

    June 11, 2012
  • What are the telework policy drivers, mandates and updates, and the technology that is being accepted and deployed at various agencies to support the telework mission enablement to the next generation of the mobile platform?

    June 11, 2012
  • The National Institutes of Health has more than a decade of experience under its belt administering a governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC).

    June 11, 2012
  • Uncle Sam, with your help, takes in more money than any person, place or thing on Earth. Equally important, he spends more in a week, again with your help, than most nation's do in a decade. That's why Federal News Radio's special series, "Inside the World's Biggest Buyer: How $500 billion Dollars Can Be Spent Better," which launches today, is a must-read whether you are on the giving or receiving end, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    June 11, 2012
  • Every week Federal News Radio's Lauren Larson speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    June 09, 2012
  • WIFLE Executive Director Margie Moore and President Kimberley Thompson join host Tony Vergnetti to talk about the obstacles that women in federal law enforcement face. June 8, 2012

    June 08, 2012
  • Linda Rix, co-CEO of Avue Technologies will talk about how government agencies are using mobile apps, and how those applications can make your job easier. June 8, 2012(Encore presentation June 15, 2012)

    June 08, 2012
  • Gene Zapfel, group vice president at Unisys, discusses the declining federal contracting dollars. Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz, chief of the Army Reserve, and John Gage, national president of the American Federation of Government Employees, talk about stepping down from their respective jobs. Jim Shelton of the Education Department explains why the Office of Management and Budget gives his department high marks.

    June 08, 2012
  • The National Weather Service says it must furlough as many as 5,000 employees for 13 days by Sept. 30, unless Congress allows the agency to move around funds within its budget.

    June 08, 2012