
  • Tom Simmons, an expert on federal telework initiatives and vice president for Federal Systems at Citrix Systems, says that while the Telework Enhancement Act made greater mobility a mandate, a cultural shift in the workforce may be a driving factor behind an increase teleworking.

    January 31, 2012
  • A number of self-proclaimed insiders, reporters, lobbyists, think tank residents and a select group of psychics think they know what what\'s going to be in the election-year survival kit for members of Congress, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says ... and they say you are not going to like it.

    January 31, 2012
  • Federal employees are paid 16 percent more in total compensation — a combination of pay and benefits — than their private-sector counterparts, according to a new Congressional Budget Office report. The pay and benefits gap was not evident across the board, but stratified by educational attainment.

    January 30, 2012
  • In 2011, more than 28 percent of federal employees were union members. That\'s in contrast to less than 7 percent of unionized employees in the private sector.

    January 30, 2012
  • The Air Force expects to cut its end strength by roughly 10,000 under the new DoD strategy the Pentagon revealed last week. Also the Army\'s service chief indicated DoD plans to ask Congress for two more rounds of base realignments and closures.

    January 30, 2012
  • The Pentagon begins the process of revealing its budget plan for fiscal year 2013. The proposal includes the scaling back of several weapons systems, savings on personnel costs, along with an assurance from top DoD officials that even though the military will be smaller, it will be more agile and more capable.

    January 27, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management received more the 15,000 new retirement applications this month. Ed Zurdorfer, registered employee benefit consultant, offers some advice on how federal employees can make the road to retirement less stressful.

    January 27, 2012
  • The National Treasury Employees Union has denounced a Senate bill reforming the Postal Service because it would also reduce benefits under the federal workers\' compensation program.

    January 26, 2012
  • Janet Kopenhaver, FEW\'s Washington representative, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss what her group is working on for its members in the federal workforce.

    January 26, 2012
  • The e-health records technology pioneered by the Veterans Affairs Department will soon be available to the rest of federal employees in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program.

    January 26, 2012
  • Lawmakers should keep their hands off federal employees\' retirement plans, National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association Director of Retirement Benefit Services David Snell said at a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and Labor Policy. The subcommittee is considering a slew of bills aimed at reducing federal pensions for both lawmakers and rank-and-file workers.

    January 25, 2012
  • General Services Administration is teaming up with other agencies to solicit bids from energy providers via online auctions. GSA\'s New England Region administrator details the savings his office has reaped from the program.

    January 25, 2012
  • A special House panel finds DoD\'s audit plan is credible, but successful implementation will depend on commitment of Defense components and future leaders.

    January 25, 2012
  • When there is a major weather event in the Washington, D.C., area, feds in other cities watch, in horror and/or amusement. Like Monday when OPM tested its brand-new foul weather policy, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    January 25, 2012