
  • Veteran federal sales executive Max Peterson joined host Mark Amtower for a discussion about current conditions facing the IT community as well as potential \"hot\" areas for contractors selling IT products and services to the government over the next few years. December 5, 2011(Encore presentation January 23, 2012)

    December 05, 2011
  • An amendment to the 2012 Defense Authorization Bill, passed by the Senate last week, caps taxpayer-funded compensation for all contracting employees at $400,000. Senate sponsors of the measure say the measure is designed to head off burgeoning defense contractor salaries. Federal employee unions have applauded the bill, but it has drawn the ire of industry groups. The Senate version of the defense bill, which contains controversial provisions dealing with military detainees, must still be reconciled with a House version before becoming law.

    December 05, 2011
  • The IG\'s report outlined several recommendations, some of which the Postal Service have already started implementing.

    December 05, 2011
  • DoD evaluated the components\' participation rate in hiring people with disabilities and severe disabilities. Military components also awarded individuals. The full list of winners will be released by DoD.

    December 05, 2011
  • With Asian Americans making up just 3 percent of the Senior Executive Service, a pilot program seeks to groom more Asians for the government\'s top ranks. The program, run by the Asian American Government Executives Network, will give 20 Asian SES hopefuls mentoring, networking and placement assistance.

    December 05, 2011
  • Experts give tips on how they are making telework work for them.

    December 04, 2011
  • Founder and Director Evan Lesser joins host Derrick Dortch to talk about what\'s in store for federal agencies and contractors next year. December 2, 2011 (Encore presentation December 9, 2011)

    December 03, 2011
  • Walt Francis, editor of the Washington Consumers\' Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees, joins host Bill Bransford to talk about the FEHBP open season.

    December 02, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management has released draft qualification standards for human resources managers and assistants. The draft standards update the qualifications to include competencies and minimum requirements by grade, Acting Deputy Associate OPM Director Andrea Bright wrote in a memo.

    December 02, 2011
  • Ed Zurndorfer, a registered employees benefits consultant, recommends that feds consider possible tax deductions when choosing a health insurance plan. But hurry, open season ends Dec. 12.

    December 02, 2011
  • Agencies must look for projects to enter into Energy Savings Performance Contracts over the next two years. The effort will cost the government no upfront money. The contractors pay for the energy efficiencies and get paid by the utility savings the department receives. The Army, the Air Force and GSA already are using these contracts.

    December 02, 2011
  • GSA\'s Dave McClure said agencies have an opportunity to be creative and work more closely together to meet mission needs. Several factors can help agencies manage risk better, including support from senior managers and a more tolerant Congress.

    December 02, 2011
  • Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry announced a new set of dismissal and closure notifications for federal employees. The meat of the changes allow for staggered early departure with a final departure time, immediate departure and shelter-in-place.

    December 01, 2011
  • Debra Roth, a partner at Shaw, Bransford and Roth, discusses the implications surrounding the recent case of a Medal of Honor recipient suing his former employer for defamation.

    December 01, 2011