Foodie and the Beast – Jan. 28, 2018

Hosted by David and Nycci Nellis. Today’s show is all about health, wellness and what you can do to attain and retain both! The Warrior Wellness Challenge is an offering of a consortium of DC area health and wellness businesses. The overall concept is to help you overcome new Year’s resolution fatigue, by getting and staying in a course to feeling, looking and being better! The Challenge was initiated by Ariane Valle and Turner Hoff, co-founders of Vegetable + Butcher, a subscription meal service delivering healthy, locally-sourced wholesome meals prepared by a fine dining chef and approved by a registered dietitian, Partnering with them on the Challenge “package” are Sarah Waybright, a registered dietician and owner/founder of WhyFoodWorks; Chris Perrin, former collegiate football star and owner/founder of Cut7 Gym and Kaitlin Dinneh Wozniak a personal trainer and nutrition coach, who is a brand ambassador for Gouter, a DC alkaline-water based beverage company. Challenge participants have the choice of three tiers, Warrior I, Warrior II, and Warrior III. Upon subscribing, they will receive a four-week healthy meal subscription, a personalized daily vitamin pack from care/of, a wellness kit from Virginia’s Woolf Lavender Farm, a Wellness Warrior Playbook with a mindfulness journal, fitness programming by Cut7, and access to a private Challenge Facebook group, where subscribers can share accountability, support and wellness advice.