Loren Duggan

Congress, budget, budget cut, spending cuts, Capitol, Congress, federal budget

Congress tackles spending, policy and candidate protections on the road to the August recess

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks on the political side of government, the 2024 election is in full swing, as one party hosts this convention.

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(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)Congress

One more week of business on Capitol Hill before the craziness sets in

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(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)Congress,

Flurry of House activity on 2025 federal spending, but not much bipartisanship

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House, FAA reauthorizationCongress, House Speaker

The House is ‘it’ this week, when it comes to agency authorizations

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Congress, contractors, 2025 budget, 2025 appropriations, government, Congress, government shutdown, CR

What will happen now that Congress bought itself a week or two on the budget?

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Congress has a lot to cram in this week before the House goes on recess.

Immigration and what to do about the Southern border will occupy Congress this week. Lawmakers hope to actually read the purported bill and maybe get the…

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Roots of the Flag

Once again, Congress kicks the can down the road

That proverbial battered can. Well Congress has once again kicked it down Constitution Avenue. The latest continuing resolution keeps the government going…

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Congress, budget, budget cut, spending cuts, Capitol, Congress, federal budget

Once again with feeling, Congress goes for a budget

Border. Budget. Border. Budget. If Congress sounds like a broken record, well it is. With two weeks to go before government funding lapses for many agencies, Congress did something to move the ball forward on Sunday. The Federal Drive with Tom Temin gets the latest from Bloomberg Government deputy news director Loren Duggan. 

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