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Federal News Network is tracking which members of the new Democratic House majority are vying for leadership positions that can have a direct impact on federal employees, including Speaker of the House and committee chairmanships.
Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said his agency's budget reflects the priorities of the overarching fiscal 2018 budget.
The White House has threatened to veto a fiscal 2017 spending bill that would further cut the Internal Revenue Service's budget by $236 million.
The House Appropriations Committee dealt a significant budget blow to the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday as lawmakers debated the agency's role in the water crisis surrounding Flint, Michigan.
An early draft of a fiscal 2017 spending bill aims to deliver more severe cuts to the Internal Revenue Service, and would prevent the agency from enforcing provisions in the Affordable Care Act.
Federal employees are one-step closer to a 1.6 percent pay raise in 2017 as the $21.7 billion Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill passed out of subcommittee.
In today's news, federal employees can begin signing up for the self-plus one option in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program when the annual open season starts Nov. 9, Defense Secretary Ash Carter isn’t planning for sequestration as he works with the military services for the 2017 budget planning cycle, and four senators have repeated their call for President Barack Obama to name a permanent inspector general at the Veterans Affairs Department.
Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Nita Lowey (D-NY) said there have been few bipartisan negotiations so far, and a new budget proposal from the Republican Study Committee has them particularly worried. Congress has until Sept. 30 to pass some sort of budget resolution that would keep the government open past the end of the month.
The annual appropriations process is a complex and arduous Washington practice. But sequestration has snarled the process this year. As appropriators work to set agency funding, the House and the Senate disagree about how to account for the cuts in next year's spending plans.