
A person accesses the Department of Veterans Affairs' EHR system on a laptop.

VA watchdog warns EHR issue puts 250,000 veterans at risk of medication mix-ups

A VA watchdog says hundreds of thousands of veterans treated at sites using the VA’s EHR are at risk of receiving the wrong medication.

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Why VA’s $16B (and counting) Electronic Health Record Modernization is doomed

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David Shulkin

Former VA secretary Shulkin talks new book, career and his thoughts on public service

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Bill James, Drew Myklegard, Department of Veterans Affairs

VA hopes modernization of legacy systems means more security in future

Bill James and Drew Myklegard from the Department of Veterans Affairs said they’ve created essentially a “wall outlet” for third-party applications.

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10 ingredients making VA’s e-health record program sick

Ed Meagher, a retired Department of Veterans Affairs chief technology office and deputy chief information officer, explained why VA is repeating mistakes…

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VA offers more details on the cost, timeline and plan for EHR modernization

The Veterans Affairs Department says it will begin deployment of a new electronic health record at three sites in the Pacific Northwest in October, and the system will be implemented at those sites by March 2020.

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