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  • As more agencies make changes to streamline operations and save money, more employees are complaining about unfair labor practices. In response, the Federal Labor Relations Authority is taking steps to educate the workforce and labor groups about labor-management and collective bargaining rules.

    June 06, 2012
  • Efficient recruitment and hiring practices might seem like a hard get at a high-security agency like NSA. But Kathy Hutson, the director of human resources at the National Security Agency, says the hiring protocols at her agency today demostrate all the reforms the Office of Personnel Management is recommending for the rest of government.

    June 06, 2012
  • Worried about your job, your benefits, your career? Lots of people are. But this might be a good day to put your put things on hold and think how different your life might be today if the Normandy Invasion, 68 years ago today, had failed, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    June 06, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    June 06, 2012
  • Jeff Ait, director of Public Sector for Good Technology will talk about how his company can help you manage the mobile phones and tablets at your agency. June 5, 2012

    June 05, 2012
  • Kathy Hutson is the director of human resources at the National Security Agency.

    June 05, 2012
  • American Federation of Government Employees president John Gage has announced he'll retire from his post at the largest federal-employee union. Gage has served as national AFGE president since 2003.

    June 05, 2012
  • Mayer Brown LLP partner Marcia Madsen will talk about what government managers and contractors need to know when it comes to data collection and transparency. June 5, 2012(Encore presentation June 12, 2012)

    June 05, 2012
  • Federal retirement claims rose last month but, for the second consecutive month, the Office of Personnel Management received fewer claims than it expected. OPM also made its monthly processing goals and continued to make progress cutting back a longstanding backlog of retirement claims.

    June 05, 2012
  • The United States and Vietnam have exchanged artifacts of war, including a U.S. soldier's written account of life under fire before his death and a Vietnam trooper's diary held for over 40 years by an American GI. At a ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnamese defense minister Phung Quang Thanh delivered the letters to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who in turn gave Thanh the small maroon diary taken from the body of the Vietnamese man by a U.S. service member who brought it home with him.

    June 05, 2012
  • When the Defense Department began contingency contracting operations on a large-scale in Iraq in 2003 it was largely a trial by fire. Despite the best planning, DoD lacked the programs and practical solutions to handle the environment, officials say. Since then, commissions, panels and lawmakers have offered fixes and DoD has evolved to try to create "rock-solid" reforms. Federal News Radio examines these issues in the next part of our series, Inside the World's Biggest Buyer.

    June 05, 2012
  • The State Department's share of overseas contingency contracting has grown over the last few years as the department took on new activities and functions as the military departed Iraq. Still, the budget shows, the Defense Department is the main player in overseas contingency contracting. And there's no guarantee Congress won't turn to the foreign affairs budget in its efforts to dramatically reduce the deficit.

    June 05, 2012
  • The White House wants to take a more evidence- based approach to budgeting. That means agencies will have to show a return on the investment on their programs, with more successful programs being more likely to receive funding.

    June 05, 2012
  • This is the Federal Drive show blog. Here you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources. Audio will be posted later…

    June 05, 2012