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  • Federal Technology Analyst Jason Wilson sizes up the defense cyber market. Defense Financial Analyst Sopen Shah looks at potential targets for mergers and acquisitions. Data Analyst Peter Brusoe looks at how federal contractors are donating money this campaign season.

    May 31, 2012
  • FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell discusses today's House hearing considering a proposal to reign in the Internet. Yvonne Jones of the Government Accountability Office explains why agencies are falling short in hiring more workers with disabilities.

    May 31, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is touring Asia this week to highlight the military's renewed focus on the region. He will stop in Singapore, Vietnam and India.

    May 31, 2012
  • The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp discuss throughout the show each day. The Newscast is designed to give users more information about the stories you hear on the air. Today's news includes a successful flight for Space-X spacecraft and House bills bolstering security and information sharing.

    May 31, 2012
  • The Food and Drug Administration would have more power to catch tainted pharmaceuticals manufactured overseas before they enter the U.S. market under legislation passed Wednesday by House lawmakers.

    May 31, 2012
  • Defense Deputy Secretary Ashton Carter said for every dollar lawmakers add to the military's budget or for every program they continue that the Pentagon wants to cancel, it requires cuts elsewhere. He also called sequestration irrational and said DoD is not planning for it.

    May 31, 2012
  • Host Mike Causey will talk retirement, the TSP, and more with attorney Tom O'Rourke and Federal Times senior writer Stephen Losey. May 30, 2012

    May 30, 2012
  • Is it the crime or the coverup that counts most? In the case of the TSP hacking case should the focus be on finding out who done it, or should we go after who it was done to — as in who let it happen? Was it a coverup and who knew what when ...

    May 30, 2012
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Department of Defense Local 1708 President Bill McGuire and 4th District National Representative Kevin Droste detail the union's efforts to save 40 veterans' jobs at the Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point in Southport, N.C. Charles Stephenson, co-author of "The Beat! Go-Go Music from Washington, D.C.," also discusses the birth of go-go in the District and how Chuck Brown inspired the city through music.

    May 30, 2012
  • This is the In Depth show blog. Here you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    May 30, 2012
  • The Federal News Radio United Way Community Spotlight for June is the Foundation for the Advancement of Music & Education, Inc. (FAME). FAME is a local nonprofit dedicated to providing equal access to all children…

    May 30, 2012
  • The Industry Botnet Group — coordinated by the White House Cybersecurity Office and the Departments of Commerce and Homeland Security — has posted nine principles, including coordination of cyber responsibilities across sectors and reporting lessons learned.

    May 30, 2012
  • The number two at the General Services Administration's Public Buildings Service is back at work after more than a month on administrative leave following an inspector general report that the agency spent $822,000 on a Las Vegas conference.

    May 30, 2012
  • Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Policy and Services (10P), Veterans Health Administration Madhulika Agarwal, MD, MPH serves as the Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Policy and Services for the Department of Veterans Affairs.…

    May 30, 2012