All News

  • The January attack forced the Economic Development Administration to go offline. It had to build a new operating system from scratch.

    April 11, 2012
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology wants comments about revisions to FIPS 186-3. NIST said the proposed revision includes clarifications, corrections and revisions

    April 11, 2012
  • Douglas Packard comes to the job from the Army's Mission and Installation Contracting Command in Fort Eustis, Va.

    April 11, 2012
  • The Special Forces Command gave Harris Corporation an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity award worth a potential $400 million. Special Forces will buy multi-band, multi-mission radios over a five-year period.

    April 11, 2012
  • The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Emily Kopp discuss throughout the show each day. The Newscast is designed to give users more information about the stories you hear on the air. Today's Newscast includes White House prizes for innovation and a new robot challenge from DARPA.

    April 11, 2012
  • Information sharing is critical but insufficient, White House cyber chief says. Howard Schmidt said the federal government's responsibility is broader than its own systems and that is why any cyber bill needs stronger oversight of critical networks.

    April 11, 2012
  • Reps. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) introduced legislation to make sharing of classified cyber threat information easier between the government and the private sector. The bill builds on DoD's Defense Industrial Base pilot to share data about vulnerabilities. DoD plans to expand the DIB pilot to more than 200 companies in the coming year.

    April 11, 2012
  • Members of Congress and media watchdogs are thoroughly outraged over GSA's meltdown in the Nevada desert. But those guardians of public morality and safety are also delighted at the foul-up, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. And we love those YouTube videos too.

    April 11, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    April 11, 2012
  • McKenna Long & Aldridge Partner Jason Workmaster and David Dowd, partner at Mayer Brown will discuss what contractors can do to avoid liability issues. April 10, 2012

    April 10, 2012
  • Appian Chief Technology Officer Mike Beckley talks about the business strategies that have helped his company grow. April 10, 2012

    April 10, 2012
  • Not all claims of agency wrongdoing wind up with the agency IG's office. Some employees turn to the Office of Special Counsel, the independent investigative agency that acts under the authority of the Whistleblower Protection Act. OSC's relatively-low profile has grown since Carolyn Lerner, the head of the office, joined the agency about nine months ago.

    April 10, 2012
  • The Defense Department is the single largest consumer of energy in the world, and as part of a broad strategy to shift consumption to renewable sources, the Marine Corps is rolling out its Ground Renewable Expeditionary Energy Network System (GREENS). Project manager Michael Gallagher told In Depth that GREENS saves not only fossil fuels and money, but also lives.

    April 10, 2012
  • Douglas Packard has been appointed to the Senior Executive Service for the Defense Department and will serve as the no. 2 official for procurement at the Defense Information Systems Agency.

    April 10, 2012