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  • The Mark Center soon will require employees to provide a fingerprint or iris scan along with the CAC card to enter the facility. The Pentagon is next to implement biometric factors for physical access control. The Army also is looking at where biometrics could impact mission and business functions.

    April 06, 2012
  • Worried about another pay freeze next year? Thinking about retiring to get a cost of living adjustment? Timing is everything, and for some people its already too late, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    April 06, 2012
  • On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.

    April 06, 2012
  • Karen Guice, the acting CIO for the Military Health System, said her office is working the Veterans Affairs Department to ensure the transition to the new electronic health record from legacy systems is as seamless as possible. She said DoD and VA are working on a data taxonomy. April 5, 2012(Encore presentation June 14, 2012)

    April 06, 2012
  • You might think the year 1940 is firmly ensconced in the history books. But the Census Bureau, which earlier this week released data from that year's census online, has brought it into the digital age.

    April 05, 2012
  • The Navy is already preparing to teach the next generation of sailors how to fly the F-35 C Lightning Two Joint Strike Fighter, according to a post on

    April 05, 2012
  • The FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services says local law enforcement needs to encrypt its data if it wants to join the cloud. The FBI said when information is encrypted from the start, police can have control of its cybersecurity on any cloud system, according to a post on InfoSecurity.

    April 05, 2012
  • Video has surfaced from the lavish Las Vegas conference, which eventually led to the firing of two top officials and the resignation of GSA Administrator Martha Johnson amid an outcry over excessive spending. The video portrays an awards ceremony at the October 2010 Western Region Conference along with a music video created by a GSA employee that pokes fun at, among other things, GSA spending and inspector general investigations.

    April 05, 2012
  • Admiral Papp leads the largest component DHS, comprised of 42,000 active duty, 8,200 Reserve, 8,000 civilian and 31,000 volunteer Auxiliarists.

    April 05, 2012
  • The technology is based on Microsoft's Kinect, used in the XBox video gaming system, and now it's the basis of new tools developed by the State Department's Office of eDiplomacy. State showcased their innovation this week at the FOSE Conference in Washington.

    April 05, 2012
  • Federal agencies may be behind the times when it comes to "bring your own device" programs for employees, but federal contractors have been doing it for years. Sheila Jordan from Cisco told the Federal Drive about her company's program, security concerns and benefits beyond savings.

    April 05, 2012
  • Several advocacy groups have raised major civil-liberties concerns about pending cybersecurity legislation, claiming the language may unfairly expose personal information and punish those who hide it.

    April 05, 2012
  • Although scandal rocked the General Services Administration's leadership this last week, it remains unclear whether the four regional commissioners out on leave would face criminal prosecution.

    April 05, 2012
  • The Army issued a request for proposals to develop protective underwear for warfighters. The boxer-style briefs would provide projection from improvised explosive devices.

    April 05, 2012