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  • After the passage of the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act, the Pentagon stopped fighting the Congressional push for the military services to come together. Instead, it innovated joint operations beyond the wildest hopes of reformers in Congress. Can that model be exported to the rest of the federal government?

    December 08, 2011
  • The goal of the revised FIPS-201-2 will detail at a high level how agencies can integrate secure smart cards with mobile devices. NIST is considering five options for making HSPD-12 cards work with tablets and smart phones.

    December 08, 2011
  • You can save a lot of money on health insurance premiums if you live the good life and hate your wife...or husband. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey gives some unorthodox tips for navigating through the health insurance open season, which closes next Monday.

    December 08, 2011
  • Col. Dan Hughes, the director of the Army\'s system-of-systems integration, joined in Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the second round of testing of the Army\'s handheld systems.

    December 07, 2011
  • Helena Sims, the director of Intergovernmental Relations at the Association of Government Accountants, told In Depth with Francis Rose that agencies can face a variety of fraud and it\'s often difficult to detect all the \"red flags.\" A new online toolkit created by the AGA aims to help agencies tackle fraud.

    December 07, 2011
  • One of the largest federal-employee unions has called on Congress to pass new legislation to retain a pretax mass-transit commuter benefit, which is set to be cut nearly in half starting in January. In a letter to members of the House and Senate, NTEU President Colleen Kelley said reducing the $230-a-month transit benefit would affect tens of thousands of federal employees that rely on public transportation to get to and from work.

    December 07, 2011
  • Walt Francis, editor of the Checkbook Guide to Federal Health Plans, and Steve Losey and Sean Reilly of the Federal Times, join host Mike Causey on today\'s program. December 7, 2011

    December 07, 2011
  • Eileen Cassidy Rivera, a senior health marketing strategist for Keegan Silver, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss her tips for building a better contracting brand.

    December 07, 2011
  • The U.S. Postal Service and the two major Postal unions have agreed to extend the deadline for negotiating a new labor contract until Dec. 16. It is now the second extension agreed to by USPS and the two unions — the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union. The initial deadline for labor negotiations was Nov. 20, which was then extended until midnight Wednesday.

    December 07, 2011
  • A Senate homeland security subcommittee is set to examine whether the Washington area is prepared for natural or man-made disasters.

    December 07, 2011
  • Whistleblowers at government contractors need better protections against reprisal and need to know how to contact agency inspectors general. Two IGs and a whistleblower awaiting trial were among the witnesses at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Reform Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight. It is considering legislation to extend federal whistleblower protections to all contractors, subcontractors and local governments receiving federal funds.

    December 07, 2011
  • Federal employees have until Dec. 12 to decide on a health plan during this year's Open Season. Benefits expert Walt Francis has advice for feds.

    December 07, 2011
  • The fight has started to push an omnibus spending bill through Congress to fund the federal government through the rest of the year. The current continuing resolution expires Dec. 16.

    December 07, 2011
  • Judy Leonhardt, the acting deputy assistant inspector general for support operations in the Office of the Inspector General, says that Postal Service is putting safety first.

    December 07, 2011