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  • The National Institutes of Health Director, Dr. Francis Collins, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to explain a partnership between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration.

    September 22, 2011
  • Suzanne Spaulding will replace Phil Reitinger as the deputy under secretary. She worked as a consultant and on Capitol Hill previously. DHS also created a deputy under secretary for cyber security.

    September 22, 2011
  • Joining a union is supposed to give federal employees benefits and protections they might not have otherwise. Many union contracts have clauses to prevent layoffs, for example. But if you’re a fed who can’t or…

    September 22, 2011
  • Kaitlin Lee, senior developer for the Sunlight Foundation, joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris to discuss the group\'s recent \"ClearSpending\" report, which found that agencies misreport data on

    September 22, 2011
  • On today\'s Federal Drive: The House fails to pass a continuing resolution, a Senate subcommittee approves a DHS hiring freeze and the Air Force is offering some 6,000 civilian buyouts.

    September 22, 2011
  • Agencies must complete their analysis by Nov. 1 and be prepared to present their findings during the December cabinet meeting with the Vice President. OMB\'s edict comes after the Justice Department inspector general found excessive spending by the agency. This is not the first time agencies have had trouble controlling conference expenses.

    September 22, 2011
  • A House subcommittee markup of a bill to address the Postal Service\'s financial problems broke down along partisan lines. Democrats accused Republicans of using this legislation to weaken labor provisions. Republicans said Democrats would prefer bailing out the agency rather than making it sustainable. The bill now goes to the full House Oversight and Governmental Reforms Committee.

    September 22, 2011
  • The Air Force is planning to make payments to civilian employees to encourage them to leave the federal payroll, in addition to offers of early retirement. The service is trying to get to the level of civilian employment authorized under DoD\'s civilian hiring freeze, which mandates the department maintain its non-uniformed workforce at fiscal 2010 levels.

    September 22, 2011
  • The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee voted to hold the number of federal employees stable for the foreseeable future. Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) said he also wants to look at the size of the agency\'s contractor workforce as well. The freeze was approved in the committee\'s first-ever DHS reauthorization bill.

    September 22, 2011
  • Why is it that when many federal workers and retirees take a pill for a headache, sinus or their blood pressure they also feel a pain in the butt? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says its all about the high price of prescription drugs.

    September 22, 2011
  • Federal Times Editor Steve Watkins and senior writer Sean Reilly will talk about the future of the U.S. postal service, and NARFE legislative director Daniel Adcock will discuss the changes that Congress wants to make to your retirement benefits. September 21, 2011

    September 21, 2011
  • This week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" Legislative and Political Director Beth Moten analyzes President Obama\'s deficit reduction plan and the impact on federal workers. Grantham University Associate Provost Dr. Cheryl Hayek then discusses the online university\'s student support programs and unveils a special benefit for AFGE members. AFGE local officers Ivan Weich, Robena Reid and Kevin Ellis also appear.

    September 21, 2011
  • The Senate Armed Services Committee has approved, by a voice vote, the nomination of Ashton Carter to be deputy secretary of defense.

    September 21, 2011
  • Katherine McFate is the president and CEO of OMB Watch.

    September 21, 2011